スペインの統計局;INE(Instituto Nacional de Estadistica)によると、2014年1月の企業の売り上げは、2013年1月に比べると0'7%上昇。ICNE(el Indice de Cifra de Negocios Empresarial)企業販売指数による。
El INE estrena dato sobre la facturación de las empresas con un alza del 0,7%
El nuevo ICNE arroja una mejora en la industrias, las empresas de suministro y el comercio
El País Madrid 26 MAR 2014 - 09:11 CET
The INE releases data on the turnover of companies with a rise of 0.7%
The new ICNE shows an improvement in the industries, utilities and trade
The Country Madrid 26 MAR 2014 - 09:11 CET
Business sales rose 0.7% in January compared with the same month of 2013 and 0.6 % from December, according to the Index of Net Business Enterprise ( ICNE ) since Wednesday published by the National Statistics Institute ( INE ) . The figure represents an improvement in both. This is both a year earlier ( two tenths ) and MoM ( six tenths ) .
Progress has released the results from the INE statistics corrected for calendar effects and no seasonality. The new data , which will be monthly, measures sales of extractive and manufacturing industries and enterprises of energy and water supply , sanitation and waste management , trade and non-financial market services.
The indicator complements the information the INE offers every month on the evolution of the different sectors separately. Thus, the end user provides an indicator that allows you to , first, make a monthly monitoring of business activity an important part of the economy and , secondly, to perform comparative analysis between the different sectors , and to analyze the relationships that may exist between them.
The activities included in the ICNE pose as progress 2012 National Accounts of Spain , 50.0% of GDP at market prices . If the government and net taxes on products are excluded, the activities included in the ICNE represent 66.5% of GDP at market prices .
In January, the index adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects have positive annual rates of change in the trade ( 1.5%) and non-financial market services ( 1.2%). By contrast, extractive and manufacturing industries registered a decline of 1.1% and Electricity and water, sanitation and waste management low 3.0% annual rate .
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