Las diferencias entre Damm y la banca acercan a Pescanova a la liquidación
Las entidades no quieren aceptar las condiciones que impone la cervecera en su propuesta de convenio y tantean la posibilidad de comprar lagunas divisiones una vez sea liquidada
Cristina Delgado Madrid 26 MAR 2014 - 18:08 CET
Differences between Damm and banking Pescanova approach to settlement
Entities do not want to accept the conditions imposed by the brewery in the proposed agreement and the possibility of buying groping divisions lagoons is discharged once
Cristina Delgado Madrid 26 MAR 2014 - 18:08 CET
The bankruptcy Pescanova start having overtones finished in liquidation , according to the tensions between Damm and banking. The Catalan beer made by a Luxembourg fund the only proposed agreement to revive the company. The bench , which seemed favorable to the plan in principle , consider the sacrifice as requiring them to remove the debt is excessive and that the proposed critical Damm is not as raised in the home . The differences are so great that even entities groping the possibility of leaving the company into liquidation and then buy the units they deem most profitable. Pescanova , meanwhile , has released a statement asking creditors to give in , because the proposed Damm , that needs to be supported by 51 % of creditors , ensures viability.
For advice Pescanova Damm is that of " a realistic proposal , in terms of expectations of fulfillment of the agreement " and that the debt off is necessary. "The Board will not propose a convention irresponsibly exceeding the debt ceiling postconcursal the company can afford. Numbers, cold , not allowed more financial burden ," says fisheries .
Over a year the crisis erupted in Pescanova , following the disclosure of accounting manipulation in the company makes . The Galician company entered bankruptcy in April 2013 , and since then , although it has not stopped its activity , its future has been hanging by a thread . On February 28 ended the period for the submission of proposals of agreement in order to get to the fishing contest . The proposed Damm and Luxempart , accepted and supported by Pescanova was the only and seemed to put an end to the conflict. But it has intensified.
Damm plan passes that banks accept a haircut of 70 % of the financial debt, which totals more than more than 3,300 million. The entities sought to recover at least 1,000 million and at most offered about 800 million. And besides, the distribution of capital between entities not happy at all recovered . In the absence of agreement, the entities arise even conduct a plan B: drop the company enters into liquidation, and then buy the units they consider most viable in order to recover some of the lost debt . " Banks prefer an agreement. But it is still difficult. And they think and lose less money at a discount of 70 % which also cede control to Damm , which until now we only think about their own benefit ," say financial sources.
The board of Pescanova , however , insists that the proposed agreement is the best option Damm . "None of the creditors Pescanova exercised " his right to submit a proposed agreement , criticized the company. " These creditors could have presented five different alternatives, each supported by 20% of the lending mass," he says. Argues that the proposed agreement , and accepted by the court in charge of bankruptcy , " is realistic in terms of expectations of fulfillment of the agreement , end was confirmed by the legal and financial advisors Pescanova " . He argues that " while creditors to recover array level 10% of its insolvent debt, other creditors with guarantees on assets not only of the matrix but also subsidiaries retrieved figures close to 35 % , and in some cases exceed the 50 %. "
クリスティーナ·デルガドマドリード26 MAR 2014 - 午前18時08分CET
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