スペインのICO(el Instituto de Credit Oficial)公立融資(銀行?)機関は、2年の500'000'000$(5億$)の債券を発行。2013年は10'700'000'000ユーロ(107億ユーロ)の債券を発行。2014年は9'000'000'000ユーロ(90億)ー10'000'000'000ユーロ(10億ユーロ)の債券を発行予定。
El ICO coloca 500 millones de dólares en bonos a dos años
El banco público prevé alcanzar un volumen de emisiones de hasta 10.000 millones este año
El ICO hará una gira para captar inversores internacionales
EP Madrid 25 MAR 2014 - 18:38 CET
The ICO placed $ 500 million in two-year bonds
The bench provides a volume of emissions of 10,000 million this year
The ICO will tour to attract international investors
Madrid EP 25 MAR 2014 - 18:38 CET
The Official Credit Institute (ICO ) has placed 500 million dollars ( 361.5 million euros ) in a two-year bond , according to confirmed sources instuon . The broadcast ended with an interest of 60 basis points over the midswap and the underwriters are Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.
In 2013, the ICO made emissions in the medium and long term amounting to 10,700 million euros. In 2014 , public bank expects to reach a volume of emissions between 9,000 and 10,000 million euros.
In the coming weeks , the president of ICO , Román Escolano , initiate a new international tour to poll the appetite of venture capital funds for investment in different sectors and Spanish in order to stimulate the uptake of foreign capital.
The road show will be held Escolano first stop in April in London , the financial capital of Europe in May and visit New York, headquarters of major U.S. venture capital funds , and Tel Aviv , capital of Israel, whose model of public support for private equity investment in Spain copied through the ICO.
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