Dia premiará a 250 directivos con 42 millones de euros en acciones
La empresa reserva 378.762 acciones, valoradas en 2,3 millones, para el consejero delegado
David Fernández Madrid 21 MAR 2014 - 11:32 CET
Day 250 reward executives with 42 million euros in actions
We reserve 378,762 shares, valued at 2.3 million, for the CEO
David Fernández Madrid 21 MAR 2014 - 11:32 CET
Day will propose shareholders an incentive plan for the long-term period 2014-2016 payable by delivery of shares of the company . Recipients of the plan will be the executive directors of the distribution group , senior management and other key employees. In total it is estimated that this group is 250 people, who up to 6.81 million shares, valued at market price at EUR 42.58 million will be distributed .
The relevant fact submitted to the National Securities Market Commission ( CNMV ) , Dia explains that to the CEO, Ricardo Currás , 378,762 titles are assigned , whose current price amounts to 2.31 billion euros. The program fee is condicionad to achieving a target of negoico of society, linked to the evolution of the gross operating profit ( EBITDA) adjusted for the period 2014-2016 .
The company explains that another of the conditions to benefit from professionally linked plan is to keep the company on the dates stated in the plan. " In the event extición of their relationship with the beneficiaries of the plan Dia, or any of its subsidiaries , they lose the right to receive shares except in certain cases established by the board ."
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