El Banco de España mejora las previsiones del Gobierno sobre el PIB
El supervisor calcula un alza del 1,2% y del 1,7% en 2014 y 2015 en sus nuevas proyecciones
El modesto crecimiento del empleo alimenta el repunte de la demanda interna
También augura que los costes laborales unitarios retrocederán un 0,9% el próximo año
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In English: Central bank’s growth forecasts exceed government predictions
Alejandro Bolaños Madrid 26 MAR 2014 - 10:33 CET
The Bank of Spain improved government forecasts GDP
The supervisor calculates a rise of 1.2% and 1.7% in 2014 and 2015 in their new projections
The modest job growth fuels the rise in domestic demand
Also predicts that unit labor costs recede by 0.9% next year
DOWNLOADABLE Economic Bulletin March
In Inglés: Central bank's growth forecasts Exceed government predictions
Alejandro Bolaños Madrid 26 MAR 2014 - 10:33 CET
The Bank of Spain is more optimistic than the government over the pace of the recovery, as it expects the economy to grow by 1.2 % and 1.7 % in 2014 and 2015. These projections exceed two tenths to handling the cabinet Mariano Rajoy, in the recent debate on the state of the nation predicted a rebound in GDP of 1% and 1.5% for the same period. But new supervisor forecasts , published on Wednesday , incorporate a relevant nuance , questioning its own prediction for next year . Because , says the government must still specify as do fiscal adjustment in 2015, which " could lead to a more moderate increase in activity this year."
For the supervisor, that analysis agrees with the European Commission , the keys to this growth will be an outer upward sector, in terms of new products , a minimum rise in demand and the positive balance in employment, where predicts that the unemployment rate is reduced to 23.8 % in 2015 after finishing 2014 at 25% . This drop corresponds to a 0.4 % and 0.9 % in equivalent jobs and a further decline in the labor force, though more limited than in 2013.
moreBrussels sees a faint improvement in SpainPresident Rajoy gives finished by the crisis
The supervisor relates this modest improvement in employment and wage devaluation effects and higher labor reform measures, encourage cheaper dismissal and hiring part-time. " Wage moderation recorded in the most recent period and, in general , the labor market flexibility induced labor reform approved in 2012 have allowed , among other things, advance the process of net job creation , despite the still fragile recovery of the activity " nature, technical running of the Bank of Spain , to indicate that they expect that wage moderation , in close agreement with increases of 0.6 % was maintained until 2015.
The minimum limit improvement in employment growth apparent labor productivity , which will still be enough , according to the Bank of Spain , to induce further reductions in unit labor costs ( at around 1% per year) over the next years . This indicator is one of the most widely used by government agencies to gauge competitiveness compared to other economies.
" For the biennium 2014-2015 is expected that the incipient recovery in activity is consolidated, with rates higher than 1% positive growth," says the Bank of Spain in March economic bulletin . Domestic demand added in relation to household spending and business investment , " gradually take over the foreign sector as the main source of contribution to growth ." Private consumption will grow by over 1% , while investment in equipment will accelerate its pace of recovery , with rates of around 6%. Conversely , declines in residential investment will not reach a " tipping point" until 2015.
Consumption still weak
The supervisor added that the recovery of private consumption "will take place at a more moderate pace " at other times " given the depth of some of the effects of the crisis on the real and financial position" of households and the business sector , despite to these financial conditions have improved in recent months. This implies that the recovery will continue to build a positive contribution of external demand.
Here , technicians anticipate the Bank of Spain 's exports of goods and services will continue to grow steadily (between 5 % and 6 % per year) , a conditional projection because the recovery in the euro area will be consolidated and that the slowdown emerging economies does not become heavy braking. Imports also increased ( between 3% and 4% ) , parallel to the rise in domestic demand. The supervisor chooses not to incorporate the alleged effect of the substitution of imports for domestically produced goods , by the " difficulty identifying the extent and persistence of these processes."
Another forecast in which the supervisor warns risk that his prediction is made on the evolution of prices . Like other analysts and agencies anticipates very low inflation ( below 1 %, the consumption deflator of GDP) in these two years . But he adds that the underutilization of labor and productive capacity as well as the appreciation of the euro or energy prices may result " in a sharper disinflationary pressure than projected here ," a perspective that has intensified the debate on the need for the ECB new stimulus measures.
On the way are made these projections , the Bank of Spain said that "in the case of expenditure projections in addition to the measures already adopted fiscal policy, incorporate an estimate of the impact of official medium-term plans and continuing the trend of certain items . " In the case of income continues, " is included only the impact of the measures that have already been approved ." This section clarifies the report, " it is assumed that the supplementary levy personal income tax , which would have increased revenues in 2012, 2013 and 2014 , expires in 2015 , in line with the legislation currently in force , with a negative impact on the collection , which can be estimated in the last year around 0.5 points of GDP. "
With these assumptions , " it is expected that the public deficit is in line with the 2014 target" of 5.8% from 6.7% the environment 2013. By 2015 , however , assume a lower reduction of 0.3 percentage points of GDP to 5.5 %. " " This course reflects the lack of specification of measures for 2015 and this figure should be reduced once known all budgetary adjustment plans for the year, to be held in the Stability Programme Update to be released on April 30 and / or in the budgets of the various general government , which will be announced in the autumn . "
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