Año récord de cierres en la banca
Desde 2008 hasta 2013, los bancos y las antiguas cajas han cerrado 12.352 oficinas
El sector prescindió de unos 20.000 trabajadores y 4.451 sucursales en 2013
La morosidad de las hipotecas se dispara
Una veintena de banqueros acumula 227 millones en pensiones
Íñigo de Barrón Madrid 26 MAR 2014 - 00:00 CET
Fuente: Banco de España.
Source: Bank of Spain
Fuente: UGT / EL PAÍS
Record year for bank closures
From 2008 to 2013, and old boxes banks have closed 12,352 offices
The sector dispensed about 20,000 employees and 4,451 branches in 2013
Delinquencies on mortgages soars
Twenty bankers accumulate 227 million pensions
Inigo Barron Madrid 26 MAR 2014 - 00:00 CET
Until recently , when young people were asked where they wanted to work , many of them responded in a bank or savings bank. The crisis has destroyed that aura of " secure future " generating work in the financial sector. From 2008 to 2013, and old boxes banks have closed 12,352 offices , 26.7 % of which were at the beginning of the crisis , according to data from the Bank of Spain . Last year alone , 4,451 branches disappeared from the streets , a number never seen before .
In parallel , the industry has dismissed or early retirement to 62,000 workers , representing 22.3% of those working in the sector in 2008. These calculations were done with UGT data , including up to March 2014. However, these figures match those of the general membership of the Social Security system in the financial industry . UGT suggests that between January 2013 and March, 20,646 employees have stopped working in banking.
A report by BBVA Research predicts further closure of 3,500 branches
These data represent figures traced back to the early eighties, that is, some 35 years ago . The decline in activity and industry profits are behind the collapse of building: credit to households and businesses in Spain have fallen by 32 % from 2008 to 2013. This means that offices have lost one of its main functions: advising clients and give them credit . However , deposits have remained at 1.16 billion.
The results have also been a losing record : the sector posted losses of 88,400 million in 2011 and 2012 (especially the crisis of nationalized boxes) , which has all the alarms on the sector.
The entity that has adjusted its template was Bankia, with 4,500 workers , followed by CaixaBank, with 2,600 , Catalunya Banc , with 2,450 , and Novagalicia Bank, with 1,850 employees. On the other hand, Santander, after merging network Banesto and Banif in the group, has dispensed with 3,441 employees from January 2013 to February this year and plans to close 700 branches .
more1,963 banking offices in Spain ended in 2012 , 35.7 % of the eurozoneSpain close on 20 % of bank branches to 2015 , according to Roland BergerThe end of the boxes will leave 4.8 million Spaniards without bank officesSobran 41,000 employees and 16,000 banking offices , according to a report
José Miguel Villa , secretary of the UGT Federation Services believes that the figures " show that there has been an absolute destruction of employment in the sector. The entities have taken the labor reform , closing faucet credit crisis boxes and changing the business model with the introduction of Internet to cut templates and close offices. "
Villa admits that downsizing and early retirements "have done so largely agreed , but the situation worries us because the sector walks toward oligopoly and financial exclusion of much of the population , especially those living in areas rural " .
Have you finished adjusting the sector? Joaquín Maudos , Professor of Economic Analysis , University of Valencia, IVIE researcher believes that there are still more closures , " at least 2,000 offices and perhaps other entities bailed 2,000 branches over the slopes and cuts mergers of banks asked no aid . " If these forecasts were met , ie , the additional closure of 4,000 branches , 20,000 workers would mean less.
Maudos recalls that a further cut in Catalunya Banc after auctioning " and trimming of outstanding credit in the Spanish economy , as pointed out by the ECB in its February foul. If lending falls , fewer offices are needed , and less interest income will be generated. For banks, the office is the main item of expenditure, so it always will be cut in this way . "
The sector posted losses of 88,400 million in 2011 and 2012 , especially the crisis of the boxes
Still, this expert said Spain recess until both have the same average European office for residents: " The population density is lower than in Europe and the proximity of the office to capture the customer is valued more in Spain that was" .
Among the research services of large entities , highlights a report that BBVA Research predicts a decline in office until they are at about 30,000 . This represents the additional closing 3,500 branches .
Moreover, the Research Service of La Caixa considers that " productivity per employee in Spain is something superior" to other European countries , but below the average in the financial margin " by differential low when it was granted loans to housing. " According to this organization , "the main challenge is to increase the margin per worker ," especially " in new asset operations, although the impact on results soon be significant." It seems that the setting is not over.
イニゴバロンマドリード26 MAR 2014 - 00:00 CET
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