



2.000 personas combaten el fuego que devora el interior de Valencia

Una gran nube de humo y ceniza de los incendios cubre gran parte de la provincia

Los esfuerzos se centran en detener los frentes que avanzan hacia Sierra Calderona y la Ribera

1.700 personas luchan por controlar un fuego que avanza sin control

2,000 people fighting the fire that devours the inside of Valencia

A large cloud of smoke and ash from fires covered much of the province

Efforts are focused on stopping fronts moving towards Sierra Calderona and Bank

1,700 people are struggling to control a fire out of control proceeds

Valencia fires in pictures

Cristina Vazquez / Lorena Ortega Valencia / Castellon 1 JUL 2012 - 23:41 CET
A large cloud of smoke and ash caused by fires and Pallás Courts this morning Andilla covers much of the province of Valencia. Smell of burning. The fire continues to move without control as hundreds of residents have been evicted from their homes. A huge cloud of smoke covers the sky from the region of La Ribera, south of Valencia, to the area of ​​Sagunto, north of the city. A cut requiring smoke road 14 and displace the residents concerned. Serafin Castilian, Minister of Interior, has detailed this morning that the fire have been evacuated Andilla the towns of Teresa, Sacanyet, Channels, Gátova, Marines old and last night, urbanization The Royal Marines, in addition to the Oset villages, and Pardanchinos Artaj. "It is better to err on the side," stressed the director. At least 1,700 people have been evicted from their homes since Thursday in the various centers spread has been affected by fire or smoke.
The king has telephoned the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Alberto Fabra, to ascertain the evolution of fire. Also the prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, has held a telephone conversation with Fabra and has passed on "the full support of government" to fight the fire and his "solidarity" with the dozens of people evacuated.
The sky has a slight cloudiness that has been mixed with the smoke and ashes. It's dark. A few drops have fallen over the flames in the fire of Andilla, but still heavier ash fall and the strong smell of burning. But the chances of rain had dissipated as the day progressed. The Guardia Civil has arrested a man this afternoon to 57 years on suspicion of fire Andilla (Valencia) and tomorrow will go to court accused of a crime of arson by negligence.

more informationThe two worst fires since 1991 over 45,000 hectares sweepThe Generalitat Valenciana cut the fire-fighting fund 14%The fire jumps Andilla Castellón and the stalks Cortes Bank"The neighbors are tired and desperate to go home""It scared me the noise of the fire. It sounded like the roar of a lion "Several mayors and the opposition questioned the disaster managementPHOTO GALLERY Valencia fires in pictures
The fighting efforts are hampered by the "draft of the chimney effect" caused by the mountains, well described by the dean of the College of Forestry Engineers, Carlos del Alamo. According to the engineer, the mountain "sucks" the hot air does rise faster, as a result of which "fuels the fire and becomes more virulent, typical of mountain areas."
The two fires are still active despite the efforts of the 1,700 troops between fire brigades, military HEU, civil guards, local police, civil protection and health workers. The work is so focused on tackling the fire and to protect population centers.
The strategy to fight the fire in the fire of Cortes de Pallas is focused on preventing the flames reach Sierra Martes, the towns of Macastre and Tous and prevent the fire from jumping the Swamp Forata and reach the end of Miralles.
Regarding Andilla fire, which continues unabated and is already affecting the province of Castellón, efforts are concentrated in three areas. It is intended to prevent the flames from getting into the Sierra Calderona Higueruelas slow its advance and prevent it from reaching the towns of Liria and Casinos.
According to the Minister of the Interior, is creating a buffer zone to protect the natural environment Calderona, while air and land are trying to stop the fire in Higueruelas.
Fire affects this compared to a total of eight municipalities (Andilla, Llíria, Alcublas, Jerica, Height, Bejís, Teresa and Sacanyet) and 625 working on it more effective extinction police personnel, Red Cross, civil defense and fire prevention, and 19 aerial resources.
In Cortes de Pallas still working 20 aerial resources. Municipalities affected by fire are Llombai, Catadau, Carlet, Tous, Alborache, Turis, Real, Montroi Yátova, Macastre, Two Waters and Pallás Courts.
A total of 14 roads remain cut off by smoke in Macastre, Villar of the Archbishop, Cortes de Pallas, Teresa, Height, Sacañet, Two Waters, Higueruelas, Casinos, Oset, Olocau.
Red Cross has risen from 525 to 900 places available to house evacuees in four shelters in Turis, Archbishop Villar, Marines and Height for the displaced population and for the volunteers and members of the Emergency Military Unit (UME).
A total of 900 soldiers involved in firefighting. A command explained the difficulties faced by staff: "The wind constantly changes direction and the temperature is high. It is quite difficult to fix the situation," he added. Military Emergency Unit has sent 50 fire engines to the area and 250 vehicles. The soldiers discussed the "defense of sensitive points, such as areas where there may be population and housing." Soldiers fear that the fire reaches the Serra Calderona much more abrupt, with only air assets could work. Military Unit has stated that they have been assigned a number of areas to "directly attack" fire with fire engines.
All means seem inadequate to fight the flames. The government has sent reinforcements to combat air and ground fire. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment has deployed four aircraft to Cortes de Pallas amphibians with two brigades of reinforcement from forest fires and Daroca Basin (Zaragoza), each composed by 34 people. In Andilla and operate four Canadair amphibious aircraft sent by the ministry, two helicopters Kamov bombers with two forest fire brigades made up of 17 people. Throughout the day have been mobilized air assets from Torrejon de Ardoz (Madrid), Plasencia (Cáceres), Malaga Almoraima (Cádiz).
More than 45,000 acres have burned already in the two worst fires that have ravaged the mountains of Valencia in decades. Fires in Cortes de Pallas and Andilla, both in the province of Valencia, were this morning devouring the forests of pine and scrub. A true ecological disaster, recognized, impotent, the mayors concerned.
Pilar Lozano, Mayor Turís (Valencia), summarized the pain experienced by neighbors. "We are all very concerned, we have been burned Valencia," he asserted. Lozano noted that the very magnitude of the fire makes it "uncontrollable". "The flames affect so many acres that although there are many troops can not cover the entire perimeter."
Fortunately, the flames have not reached Turís. "The neighbors are quiet because the fire has not reached the population, which is most affected by smoke than fire," but felt "powerless" to see the progress of the flames. Lozano has confirmed that the front is more dangerous that goes to Yátova and Macastre.





クリスティーナ·バスケス/ロレーナ·オルテガバレンシア/カステリョン1 JUL 2012 - 23:41 CET
今朝Andilla火災やパラスコートによって引き起こされる煙と灰の大規模な雲は、バレンシア州の多くをカバーしています。焦げている臭い。火災は、住民数百人が家から追い出されたように制御することなく移動し続けます。煙の巨大な雲が街のサグント、北のエリアにラリベラの領域、バレンシアの南から空をカバーしています。煙道14を必要とするカットや、関係住民を移動さ。セラフィンカスティーリャ、内務大臣は、火に加えて、Andillaのテレサ、Sacanyet、チャンネル、Gátova、海兵隊古いと最後の夜、都市海兵隊の町を避難されていることを今朝詳述しましたOset村、Pardanchinos Artaj。 "それは側に誤るほうがよいです"と、監督は強調した。様々なセンターで普及が火災や煙の影響を受けている木曜日から少なくとも1700人が家から追い出されています。
王は火の進化を確認するために、Generalitatのバレンシア、アルベルト·ファブラの社長に電話をしています。また首相は、マリアーノRajoyは、ファブラとの電話の会話を開催して、火災や避難の多くの人々と彼の "連帯"を戦うために "政府の全面的な支援"に合格しています。

詳細については、45000ヘクタールスイープ上の1991年以来2最悪の火災Generalitatのバレンシアでは、消防基金の14%を削減火がAndillaカステジョンと茎コルテスバンクをジャンプ"隣人は家に帰ってすることが疲れたと必死である""それは私に火の音を怖がって。それは "獅子の咆哮のように聞こえたいくつかの市長と野党は、災害管理に疑問を呈した写真でフォトギャラリーバレンシア火災
戦っての努力がよく林業エンジニア、カルロス·デル·アラモの大学の学長で記述された山々によって引き起こされる、 "煙突効果のドラフト"によって妨げられています。エンジニアによると、山の結果として、熱風が速く上昇しない "吸う" "燃料に火をと山間部の典型的な、より病原性となります。"
衰えることなく継続し、すで​​にカステリョンの地域に影響を及ぼしているAndilla火災、については、努力が3つの分野に集中している。それは、その進行を遅らせるとリリアとカジノの町に到達することを防ぐシエラCalderona Higueruelasになってから炎を防ぐために意図されています。
消防にかかわる900人の兵士の合計。コマンドは、スタッフが直面する困難を説明した。 "風が常に方向を変更し、温度が高く、それは状況を解決するためには非常に困難である"と彼は付け加えた。軍の緊急ユニットはエリアと250台に50台の消防車を送信しました。兵士たちは "このような人口や住宅があるかもしれない分野のような機密性の高いポイントの防御"を議論兵士たちは火が空気のみの資産は仕事ができると、はるかに急激セラCalderonaに達することを恐れている。軍事ユニットは、それらが消防車と "直接攻撃"火のエリアの番号が割り当てられていると述べている。
ピラール·ロサノ、市長Turís(バレンシア)が、近所の人が経験した苦痛をまとめました。 "我々は、すべて非常に懸念している、我々はバレンシア焼かれている"と彼は主張した。ロサノは、火災の非常に大きさがそれを "手に負えない"を作ることを指摘した。 "炎は、多くの部隊がありますが全周をカバーすることはできませんので、多くのエーカーに影響を与えます。"
幸いなことに、炎はTurísに達していない。しかし炎の進行状況を確認するには "無力"を感じた "火災は、ほとんどの火より煙に影響される人口に達していないので、隣人は静かです。"ロサノは、フロントYátovaとMacastreに行くことがより危険であることを確認しています。

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