トビアスWunschik (ハノーバー、ドイツ、 1967年) 、研究者シュタージ·ファイル
“Saber siempre es bueno. Abrir la Stasi fue una bendición”
El investigador alemán maneja 150 kilómetros de documentos sobre las actividades de los espías y los delatores
Natalia Junquera 13 ABR 2014 - 19:41 CET
"Knowing is always good. Opening the Stasi was a blessing "
The German researcher manages 150 kilometers of documents on the activities of spies and informers
Natalia Junquera 13 ABR 2014 - 19:41 CET
Tobias Wunschik (Hannover , Germany, 1967) , a researcher Stasi file , manages 150 kilometers of documents; 40 million individual records ; 1.7 million photographs. You are holding the personal lives of thousands of citizens who spies conscientious 265,000 (officials and informers ) controlled for years in order to locate any dissident. " We are everywhere " was precisely the theme of the secret police of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR ) .
The huge file still surprising him . A study revealed that his blood sold East German prisoners to the West for foreign exchange and now ends analysis on large companies that benefited from the work of political prisoners, about 270,000 - of the GDR. Ikea apologized for it publicly in 2012 Wunschik keeps opening reports he has not seen anyone but him and the spy that drafted , but explains that the most rewarding part of his job is " to restore someone a part of their own history. ; as the letters he wrote to family, friends , couples ... and never reached their destination because the Stasi intercepted . "
Julian Besteiro School ( Madrid)
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Total: 3.20 USD
Share an appetizer with the country in the Julian Besteiro School (Madrid ), where just participated in a conference on archives , human rights and historical memory. Their Spanish counterparts would listen enviously . The Center for Working Wunschik has an annual budget of 99 million euros. All public money, as they have banned private donations. They even have a special computer program to reconstruct documents were destroyed at the time and who are now at 15,000 bags filled with millions of pieces of paper. " Not only must catalog the information. Historians should study for an outreach and awareness in society . " Much remains to be explored. For example , the relationship between ETA and the Stasi. " To see if there was a cooperation would require a thorough investigation ," he says .
"We also act delayed " he says. " But in 1989 , Germany decided to act and do things by halves . So the institution where I work came up . " Since the country opened the closet Skeletons Stasi officials File - today - 1,600 employees have attended 10 million requests - three million citizens and other public institutions . Only last year were 75,000 requests . "We can say to a citizen who spied them on who should not be trusted ." The names of politicians involved not cross out . "They have to live with that, be responsible for their performance."
The German researchers analyzed 150 kilometers of documents on spies and informers
Did you know is always good ? "Of course ," he says . "In Germany there were those who objected. They feared that opening the file provoke acts of revenge. But today we can say that opening it has been a blessing. Only if the past is known can heal the wounds . "
" Spain may need more time to overcome its past ," he replies when asked about the 150,000 missing Franco. " But in a democracy, all victims of a dictatorship are entitled to information [ truth] , the prosecution of perpetrators of crimes committed [ justice ] , and compensation [ repair ] . And all those rights , for me , the most important is the right to information. " The right to know .
ナタリアJunquera13 ABR 2014 - 19時41 CET
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