Bruselas certifica que el déficit público español rondó el 7,1% del PIB en 2013
Sin los 4.800 millones en ayudas a la banca el saldo negativo es del 6,6%, como avanzó Hacienda
España es el cuarto país de la Unión Europea con un mayor agujero presupuestario
España roza el objetivo de déficit
Alejandro Bolaños / Claudi Pérez Madrid / Bruselas 23 ABR 2014 - 12:23 CET
Brussels certifies that the Spanish public deficit was around 7.1% of GDP in 2013
No 4,800 million in aid to banks the deficit is 6.6%, as advanced Hacienda
Spain is the fourth country in the European Union with a larger budget hole
Spain slashing the deficit target
Alejandro Bolaños / Claudi Pérez Madrid / Brussels 23 ABR 2014 - 12:23 CET
The European statistical agency , Eurostat, has certified Wednesday that the Spanish public deficit was around 6.6% of GDP in 2013 , as had advanced the Ministry of Finance. Is that Brussels look very closely to assess whether fiscal effort are sufficient, although the actual gap is increased again, to 7.1 % , by the grace of aid to banks . This time is given for lost 4.822 million injections of public money in the capital of BMN , CEISS , NCG and Catalunya Caixa .
The European Commission considers that, as expenses incurred in one year , public money lost to assist banks should not be incorporated into the annual benchmark to measure setting budget deficit. But even with this computation , the image of the Spanish public accounts is unflattering . The government managed to reduce the deficit from 6.84 % to 6.62 % of GDP between 2012 and 2013 , close to the target agreed with Brussels (6.5% in 2013 ), which softened the slope of the adjustment path to the persistence of the recession in the Spanish economy.
Tax burden , among the lowest
Eurostat data do allow a clean analysis of fiscal situation : public spending last year fell three points of GDP (ie 30,000 million) , up 44.8 %, well below the average of the eurozone (49.8% of GDP). But the deficit still remains high because revenues , despite tax increases , just better : totaled 37.8% of GDP.
That is the big Achilles heel of Spain : the public revenue in relation to wealth ( the tax burden ) are only slightly lower in countries such as Poland , Bulgaria and Romania, countries with meager welfare state and a tax structures still very weak - Ireland- a haven or tax - Estonia and Lithuania. Greece has revenues substantially higher percentage of GDP.
The Government has announced a review of the tax system that includes reductions in tax rates in exchange for higher tax bases , with the elimination of tax deductions as the Company . Moncloa want to make this reform as a tax on all rules, despite repeated warnings from the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund.
Eurostat dismantled two myths : neither the Spanish public expenditure is too high ( the reverse: is five points of GDP , or 50,000 million per year , below the mean) , and taxes are too high : the income is nine points of GDP below the mean) .
In 2012 the bank bailout with European funding placed Spain as the EU country with the highest gross deficit ( 10.6% of GDP in aid to banks ) , whereas now ranks fourth . In 2013 the Twenty-eight other leading ranking in Brussels fixing the deficit excluding public money lost in failed banks raise . Only Ireland has a higher budget gap (6.7% vs. 6.6 % of Spain ) in 2013 , but does so after a much tighter fit , since in 2012 the balance of public accounts , without aid for banks it was 9.1%.
In Ireland helped the economy remained , for the second consecutive year, a minimum growth ( 0.3 % per year, according to the forecast of Brussels ), while Spain suffered another year of recession (-1.2 %) , which grips and tax revenue remains at very high levels of public expenditure more related to the crisis , such as unemployment protection . In fact , to achieve the minimum agreed with Brussels adjustment, the government had to pass on the fly new tax hikes in mid-2013 ( measures valued at 4,600 million), reversed an item of expenditure 3.600 billion to reduce the deficit electricity tariff , or approved new measures to contain spending on pensions.
According to government forecasts , growth itself will support public accounts this year and next. Still, it is in these two exercises where the bulk of the adjustment agreed with the Commission concentrates , as the Spanish government has pledged to reduce the deficit from 6.6% to 4.2% of GDP . The new stability program , which is due next week, will give more clues as to how you plan to do .
In addition to economic growth and lower pressure of unemployment costs , Rajoy 's economic team expects that the costs of debt financing will continue at very low levels , allowing the bill for interest payments stop growing . Eurostat also certified that public debt reached 94 % of GDP at end- 2013 , above the EU average (87.1% ) and the euro area ( 92.6 %).
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