Salarios irremediablemente a la baja
Lo mejor sería que la recuperación del consumo se produjera por el alza del empleo y no de los salarios
Ángel Laborda 23 MAR 2014 - 00:00 CET
Fuentes: Eurostat (Contabilidad Nacional), INE (ETCL) y elaboración propia. Gráficos elaborados por A. Laborda. / C. AYUSO
Sources: Eurostat (National Accounts), INE (LCI) and own calculations. Graphics produced by A. Laborda. / C. AYUSO
出典:ユーロスタット(国民経済計算)INE(LCI)と独自の計算。 A. Labordaによって生成グラフィック。 / C. AYUSO
Quellen: Eurostat (National Accounts), INE (LCI) und eigene Berechnungen. Grafiken von A. Laborda produziert. / C. AYUSO
Salaries hopelessly downward
Ideally, the recovery in consumption occurred by rising employment and wages not
Angel Laborde 23 MAR 2014 - 00:00 CET
This week the National Statistics Institute ( INE) published the results of the quarterly Labour Cost Survey ( LCI ) relative to the last quarter of 2013 . One of the most unique surveys, together with the IPC and the EPA, the Spanish statistical system as it is the successor of the former salary survey in the industry and services began to be held in 1963. The data provided are the labor cost per worker per month, the average labor cost per hour worked , time worked and not worked , and the number of vacancies . The sample consists of 28,000 units ( contribution accounts to Social Security ) , interviewed throughout each quarter.
The first impression that could be offered to read the note holders in which the INE disseminates the results is that wages in Spain are growing pretty, and above any other indicator of inflation. The labor cost per hour worked increased 2.2 % over the same period last year , detailing the rate by 2.7% for labor costs and 0.8 % for non-wage , among which include contributions to Social Security , the costs of dismissal and other perceptions. But these figures are not significant for the evolution of wages in Spain , at least in the private sector. Germans are not afraid. What happens is that in the fourth quarter of 2012 bonus for civil servants was abolished and, not re- produce this in 2013, the year comparison is biased upward . If we correct for this effect , the annual increase of 2.2 % would stay in a decrease of about 0.2 %. If we do not comparison with the same quarter last year but with the previous quarter , the cost per hour decreased at an annualized rate of 0.6 % [ upper left graph ] .
Sources: Eurostat (National Accounts ), INE ( LCI ) and own calculations. Graphics produced by A. Laborda . / C. AYUSO
Go on, therefore the soft salary adjustment process , which is due to two causes. The first , and foremost, is that the labor market there is a huge gap between supply and demand for labor. 26% of the active population is unemployed . When a market, especially for very rigid and it - it is quite labor - there is this gap , prices fall . Consider what is happening to housing prices . Wages are the prices of the labor market . On this basis , we can provide that, regardless of what we think we want or how they should behave wages , they will be frozen for long. Poor for workers who are working , but can be good for those who are unemployed because wage moderation increases the demand for labor. At the current juncture , it would be best recovery of household incomes and with them , the consumption occurs by increasing employment and not the wages.
In 2013 , unit labor costs were almost to levels prior to the start of the euro
The second cause for falling wages is because the Spanish economy is still immersed in the process of setting called internal devaluation to regain competitiveness lost since the start of the euro. One of the most important indicators to follow this evolution is the labor cost per unit produced ( CLU ) that besides the labor cost per worker or hour worked , takes into account productivity. Between 1998 and 2008 the Spanish economy CLU grew 18 % over the average of the [ upper right chart] Eurozone. It has since retraced the path that should never traveled, and in 2013 the level of CLU was almost like before the start of the euro , although with significant differences by country year: we are well placed against France or Italy, but we still still much to recover against Germany .
The graphs below show the evolution of the two components of the CLU . Compared with the average of the euro area , the diversion of CLU to 2008 occurred almost equally by the largest increase in labor costs in Spain and the lower productivity growth . Both components are adjusting since then, highlighting the recovery of productivity relative to Germany and the remarkable gains against Italy. Too bad the relative productivity improvement has been made at the expense of the disappearance of thousands of businesses and millions of jobs.
Angel Laborde situation is director of the Foundation of Savings Banks ( FUNCAS ) .
Business figures
Other data of interest published in the week were indicators of activity in the services sector ( IASS ) and rates of turnover figures (ICN ) and new orders (IEP ) in the industry , all of January. The turnover in the industry at constant prices, ie deflated by producer prices recorded an increase of 4.4 % annualized over the middle of the fourth quarter of last year, recovering from the slump experienced in the quarter. Recovery would have been greater without the noticeable drop energy component . Compared with the same month last year, the increase was 0.7% . These data are far in the line of index of industrial production in January . Worst were the orders, which recorded a significant drop , even after strong growth in December. This series is highly volatile . Meanwhile, turnover in services also recovered : the annualized rate in January compared to the average for the previous quarter was 2% and the year over the same month last year , 1.7%.
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