La morosidad arranca enero con una nueva subida y llega al 13,78%
El dato oficial arroja una caída por el cambio en la metodología del Banco de España
Los impagos en las hipotecas escalan un 43% a lo largo de 2013, hasta el 5,9%
El País Madrid 18 MAR 2014 - 10:29 CET
The default start January with a further rise and reaches 13.78%
The official data shows a decrease by the change in the methodology of the Bank of Spain
The scale defaults on mortgages by 43% over 2013, to 5.9%
The Country Madrid 18 MAR 2014 - 10:29 CET
The bank continued to cleaning their accounts in 2013 and , despite this and the supposed improvement in the labor market has failed to tackle the problem of late payment in this outburst of 2014. As published on Tuesday the Bank of Spain , the volume of outstanding claims has climbed to 13.78 % in January, marking a new record .
Moreover , they have also known the closing balance of the year, confirming the escalation of defaults on mortgages by 43 % , an increase that is in line with that of large listed companies . After this rise , the default rate is already at 5.9% with 36,182,000 doubtful for a portfolio of 604 395 000 euros.
In addition , for every 10 euros granted to the promoter , banking is difficult to recover about four euros , equivalent to 38% . That is, 67.190 million against a total defaulters amounting to EUR 176.822 million in December.
Regarding the first month of 2014 , the total amount of bad loans in January stood at 197.183 million euros and maintained at the highest levels of the time series. In any case, for the future must take into account that the supervisor has changed the methodology with the arrival of the new year . Since 1 January, reports the Bank of Spain , the Credit Institutions ( SCIs ) are no longer considered as credit institutions . Consequently , they have been included in the section " Other residents " , where families and non-financial corporations enter.
For this reason, the former central bank added in an explanatory note , the balance of loans granted by all credit institutions to the other resident sectors increased slightly in January 2014. The reason is that this balance incorporates for the first time the credit granted by credit institutions to the EFC and representing around 26,000 million euros.
The methodological change recognizes the Bank of Spain, also affects the default rate , as this slightly decreases with increasing size of the denominator , ie , the balance of credit extended . Paying attention, the NPL ratio declined in January to 13.53 % from 13.62 % in December , although it should be noted that in the absence of this methodological change , the ratio would have increased to 13.78% .
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