スペインの住宅ローン被害者協会:(PAH;la Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca)は、バルセロナで抗議活動
La lluvia desluce el primer escrache de los afectados por la hipoteca en Barcelona
Los activistas y afectados de la PAH protestan ante la vivienda de la diputada Estellés, del PP
Clara Blanchar Barcelona 13 MAR 2013 - 13:52 CET
Rain escrache tarnishing the first of those affected by the mortgage in Barcelona
Activists and affected the PAH protest at the home of the deputy Estellés, PP
Clara Blanchar Barcelona 13 MAR 2013 - 13:52 CET
No rain to stop activists from the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages (PAH). Coming from several neighborhoods and districts of Barcelona as the Penedès or Baix Llobregat, about forty people at risk of eviction have made this morning the first escrache in Barcelona. The protest, which began on Monday in Madrid during a ceremony of the dome of the PP, is to point to MPs or politicians who for now have rejected or have not decided on the popular initiative calling for a halt to evictions and families to return the floor to banks and keep paying rent to live affordably.
The concentrates have turned to one of the last farms Balmes Street, touching Tibidabo Avenue, home to the deputy of the PP Maria Angeles Esteller. The idea was wallpapering the net with leaflets with a picture of the deputy and a text explaining that she has been invited to participate in meetings of the PAH to meet the problem of indebtedness which thousands of families. If the deputies knew the problem, says the PAH, support the ILP.
The rain has marred the protest, in which the victims have chosen to explain their cases megaphones. They have also filled the back of postcards with the affected side and a brief explanation of their cases. They are the same faces who star in video # deafectadoadiputado and postcards have been delivered to the doorman, who could not believe. "We came to tell people that their neighbors are responsible for that do not have a second chance", "Let them see what they are doing if they reject the ILP, we are giving with an open hand", "Let no one of us bought a housing to live above their means ", were some of the testimony. "I've thought about suicide," said a woman, "but all these folks have made me see that we must fight. Now do not get me out of my house or the Geos, before giving the floor to the bank I hit fire "he shouted. "If we can not sleep, do not sleep on them either," warned another activist.
The escrache today-a protest modeled on Argentina, where victims of the dictatorship took their complaint to the neighborhoods or workplaces of those responsible for the repression aimed note also Interior Minister, Jorge Fernandez Diaz, and the head of Cabinet of Prime Minister, Jorge Moragas. But given the rain concentrates have chosen to postpone the protest Friday.
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