Sánchez-Lozano se llevará cerca de dos millones de euros al dejar Iberia
Su contrato le garantiza un preaviso de 12 meses y el cobro de una póliza por 1,16 millones
David Fernández Madrid 27 MAR 2013 - 12:40 CET
Sanchez-Lozano will take about two million euros to leave Iberia
His contract guarantees him 12 months' notice and the payment of a policy by 1.16 million
David Fernández Madrid 27 MAR 2013 - 12:40 CET
The contracts of executive directors and members of senior management of International Consolidated Airlines (IAG) do not provide "expressly" compensation on termination of the contract, regardless of the payment in lieu of the notice period, as contained in the report remuneration recently sent to the CNMV. In the case of executive compensation in lieu of notice equivalent to 12 monthly. Rafael Sánchez-Lozano, who just resigned as CEO of Iberia, claimed in 2012 a salary of 818,000 euros. This amount should be added that Sanchez-Lozano is the only manager whose contract does have a clause of notice and additional shielding which ensures the collection of other 1.16 million euros.
"As detailed in the documents of the merger, the CEO of Iberia will retain the right to payment of a retirement compensation amounting to 1,168,000 euros. The mathematical provision of the policy that covers such benefit (including the performance generated) shall be paid at the time of his termination, whatever the reason, "said the remuneration report.
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