Bruselas vigilará que las restricciones al capital en Chipre acaben “cuanto antes”
La Comisión justifica que está en riesgo la estabilidad del sistema financiero chipriota
Advierte de que la medida debe ser excepcional, proporcionada y lo más breve en el tiempo
Los chipriotas solo podrán sacar 300 euros en metálico al día
EFE Economía Bruselas 28 MAR 2013 - 10:11 CET
Brussels will monitor capital restrictions in Cyprus end up "soon"
The Commission is at risk justifies the Cypriot financial system stability
Warns that the measure must be exceptional, and as short as provided in time
Cypriots can only get 300 euros in cash per day
Economy Brussels EFE 28 MAR 2013 - 10:11 CET
The European Commission (EC) has determined after an examination that the imposition of capital controls in Cyprus is justified, but said the move, which will initially run for one week, will have to be lifted "soon" and to monitor its implementation and assess its possible extension.
The EC "takes note" of the temporary restrictions on free movement of money, including capital controls imposed by Cyprus as part of a series of measures to prevent escapes major uncontrollable risk of deposits, the EU executive said in a statement. That scenario would lead to a "collapse of lending institutions and the immediate risk of a destabilization of the financial system of Cyprus," the EC said.
As guardian of the Treaties and to safeguard the unity of the single market, the EC made a preliminary analysis of the Cypriot law and relevant decrees under the rules of free movement of capital laid down in Articles 63 and subsequent of the Treaty on the Functioning of European Union (EU).
"Member States may introduce restrictions on the movement of capital in certain circumstances and under strict conditions on the basis of public policy or public security, according to the Court of Justice of the EU, may also include measures for reasons of overriding public interest," said EC. However, these exceptions have to be interpreted very strictly and without discrimination, must be appropriate, proportionate and applied in the shortest possible period, recalled.
"In the current circumstances, the stability of financial markets and the banking system in Cyprus is a matter of overriding public interest and public policy to justify the imposition of temporary restrictions on capital movements," the EC said.
Other measures
Such restrictions may include holidays for banks, limits on withdrawal of cash, assets freeze, a ban on fixed deposits close and execute certain orders, restrictions on the use of credit cards, debit or prepaid and other banking operations, and the execution of certain transactions subject to approval by the Central Bank and other measures, he said.
The EC will monitor closely, together with the Cypriot authorities, the Member States, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Banking Authority (EBA) the implementation of restrictions in the Mediterranean country, which are in force "for seven days" said the EU executive.
"While restrictive measures seem to be necessary in the present circumstances, free movement of capital must be restored as soon as possible in the interest of the Cypriot economy and the single market of the EU as a whole," the EC said.
Cypriots can access this juevo from their financial institutions, but will prevent the removal of more than 300 euros per day and you can not cash checks, although they enter them into account. Abroad if payments are prohibited over 5,000 euros per month and over 3,000 euros out of the country, except for payment Cypriot officials Cypriot expatriates and foreign students (with a limit of 5,000 euros and when I sent quarterly family members), among other measures.
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