El culpable debe pagar
‘Match ball’ con secuelas', por SANTIAGO CARBÓ
'Chipre y el fantasma islandés', por J. CARLOS DÍEZ
Xavier Vidal-Folch 26 MAR 2013 - 01:57 CET
The guilty must pay
'Match Ball' sequelae ', by Santiago Carbo
'Cyprus and the Icelandic ghost', by J. Carlos Diez
Xavier Vidal-Folch 26 MAR 2013 - 01:57 CET
The mistakes are. Many paid with personal mistakes armchair, national mistakes, and adverse fate: George Papandreou Greek, Irish Brian Cowen, Jose Socrates Portuguese, Spanish Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Italy's Silvio Berlusconi. Nobody folly purged now that the outbreak has led Cyprus? The crisis conjugated national and European factors. It has elephantiasis because local banks (five to seven times the GDP of the island), grown in time with the boom of pay and tax competition; foul play semiparaísos of tax, the impact of the unfortunate removes Greek (that devalued Greek bonds depreciate the Cypriot banks' balance sheets, filled aquelllos) and infernal management, based on the theory of punishment without limits sick country.
European citizens should protest because their leaders took her back to collapse of euro
The common people can legitimately Cypriot protest the process and its outcome. No Cyprus-nor his accomplice elite Russian money-laundering, responsible for at least half the mess, it must be held to have avoided bankruptcy with their own money and, above all, of the partners: beyond victimhood. Neither the Russian Premier Dmitry Medvedev, which critique distasteful, the "plunder the spoils." It is intolerable in a democracy leader autocratic, corrupt and unsafe even for its oligarchs ... dissidents, who have just imprisoned or committed suicide.
European citizens should protest because their leaders took her back to collapse of the euro, one of his greatest achievements. Parliament to call those responsible. To investigate the share of each in the initial absurdity of violating the European standard and confiscate some modest savings are protected up to 100,000 euros. Beginning with the tender Eurogroup chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem Dutch Social Democrat. This guy does not go away with it, hidden in a false fonteovejunismo. Remember that in the early 16th funeral, he, the president-not Anastasiades nor Draghi, and Lagarde, nor Rehn, or the janitor illegality publicly justified: "As a contribution to financial stability in Cyprus, seems fair to ask for a contribution of all deposit holders. " Of all. He is the first guilty of breaking the law and having multiplied the crisis. Even then treats of disguise. And over again yesterday screw up.
But the lesson, to atone for their sins, does not end the lesson of this crisis. Are two tasks. A union is to accelerate the bank, ensuring that everyone contributes against setbacks, but that everyone pays their vices. The other, complete fiscal union, now focused on spending and the deficit: it reaches the income-tax harmonization with flexibility-and ending unfair tax competition, the corporate tax to 10% or 12.5% proper villains, not victims.
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