欧州委員会(EC)は、欧州の救済基金:欧州安定基金(MEDE:Mecanismo Europeo de Estabilidad)から問題のある銀行に直接 資本増強できる対策を思案中
La CE afirma que la recapitalización directa de la banca sigue adelante
EFE Economía Bruselas 26 MAR 2013 - 14:04 CET
The EC states that the direct recapitalization of banks goes ahead
The European Commission (EC) said today that work to reach an agreement to launch direct recapitalization of banks with difficulties from the European bailout fund go ahead and stressed that the case of Cyprus is "unique".
The spokesman for Economic and Monetary Affairs of the EC, Simon O'Connor, said there had been a "misunderstanding" about the words of the President of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, when he said in remarks to two media that the eurozone should aim "not to have to use direct recapitalization never" and more instruments internal banking rescue this need will become even smaller.
O'Connor said at the daily briefing that "hope that the use of this instrument (direct recapitalization) is not necessary, not to say that an agreement to do so may be something that we do not continue working."
"The job of that, the instrument of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) for direct recapitalization is an available option, continues in the Eurogroup, and the EC continues to work to facilitate an agreement between the euro area and the Member States" he added.
O'Connor recalled that the agreement should be ready "as soon as possible" over the first half of this year.
The eurozone is working on access conditions and technical details of the recapitalization ahead of the entry into force next year the single banking supervisor, whose implementation has conditioned the use of direct capital injections into banks.
As for the statements of the President of the Eurogroup which implied that the formula agreed in the bailout of Cyprus, which applies significant losses to large depositors, shareholders and bondholders junior and senior-can serve as an example in other cases, the EC reiterated that one can not speak of a model.
"The case of Cyprus is unique for many reasons, is an extraordinary situation and found a good solution for the specific case of Cyprus," he said, for his part, the spokesman for the Internal Market and Services of the EC, Chantal Hughes.
Hughes said that the agreed formula for the island is not a "perfect model that can be used, as is, in the future" and ruled out the re-make the same "circumstances" that plagues Cyprus.
In this regard, he stressed the importance of implementing the single banking supervisor for the euro area, which will tighten control over financial institutions in member countries.
He also emphasized that the Act depositors with savings of less than 100,000 euros "never" be included in the so-called "bail-in" in which shareholders and debt holders will suffer losses to restructure the ailing bank, but does not exclude uninsured deposits above this amount.
Economy Brussels EFE 26 MAR 2013 - 14:04 CET
経済ブリュッセルEFE26 MAR 2013 - 夜02時04分CET
欧州委員会(EC)は、欧州の救済基金から困難である銀行の直接の資本増強を起動するための合意に達するための仕事が先に行くことを今日言ったとキプロスの場合は、 "ユニーク"であることを強調した。
ECの経済·通貨問題担当スポークスマン、サイモン·オコナー氏は、ユーロ圏がべきである、その2つのメディアへの発言に言ったときに、ユーロ圏財務相会合の社長、イェルーンDijsselbloemの言葉についての "誤解"があったと述べたこの必要性はさらに小さくなり、内部の銀行救済策を "直接資本再構成を使用するには決して与えないようにしない"と多くの楽器を目指しています。
オコナーは "この楽器の使用(直接の資本増強は)そうする合意は、我々が作業を続行しないことなのかもしれませんと言っているわけではない、必要がないことを願っています"と毎日のブリーフィングで、
オコナー氏は合意は今年の最初の半分以上は "できるだけ早く"準備が整いましたことを想起した。
ヒューズは島のための合意された式は、 "将来的には、あるように、使用することができる完璧なモデル"ではないことを言ったと疫病キプロスそのリメイクと同じ "状況"を否定した。
彼はまた、100,000未満ユーロの貯金を持って行動の預金者は、いわゆる株主及び債権者は、経営難の銀行の再編に損失を被るでしょうが、除外しないで "保釈イン"には含まれないことが "ない"ことを強調しこの量は上記の保険に入っていない預金。
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