




A favor de la tasa por encima de 100.000

Un 51% de los españoles se muestra a favor de establecer una tasa sobre los grandes depósitos bancarios

José Pablo Ferrándiz 23 MAR 2013 - 17:49 CET


In favor of the rate above 100,000

Some 51% of Spanish is in favor of establishing a tax on large bank deposits

José Pablo Ferrándiz 23 MAR 2013 - 17:49 CET


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Fuente: Metroscopia. / EL PAÍS

In favor of the rate above 100,000

Some 51% of Spanish is in favor of establishing a tax on large bank deposits

José Pablo Ferrándiz 23 MAR 2013 - 17:49 CET
The vast majority of the Spanish (57%) believed unlikely that, in a more or less immediate future, is given in Spain a situation like in Cyprus last week, when the European authorities conditioned the country's bailout to the imposition of a tax on savers. One measure would be applied initially, although in different amounts, both those who exceed 100,000 euros and those who do not reach that amount, but that, for now, has been suspended due to rejection Cypriot Parliament. Although unlikely in the Spanish case, or at least that is perceived moment, citizens are divided between those who are in agreement on that, where appropriate, and to reduce public debt, will propose establishing a levy special, which will be charged at once, on bank deposits in excess of € 100,000 (51%) and those who reject this measure (43%).
A polarization of opinion that contrasts with the overwhelming percentage of Spanish who believes that those who are bearing the burden of essentially economic crisis in our country are those least able.
Undoubtedly, the legal safety hazard that would be the application of this rate-thinks so 43% - with the risk that such a measure could encourage capital flight (69%) are two issues that hinder further support to a possible tax on the haves.
In any case, the consistency of the euro seems to be fireproof, and no uncertainty about the Cypriot situation and the possible implications in other European countries derived from it has lowered the perception of its strength and durability: 71% of the Spanish believed that the currency does not run the risk of disappearing. So they thought (70%) now almost a year ago, in May 2012 - when the situation was not much better than now then Greece was preparing to hold a new general election was impossible to form a government after results those held a few days before and the Spanish risk premium marked a record to exceed 500 basis points.
Indeed, most of the Spanish (73%) is skeptical of the stability of our risk premium in recent weeks: two out of three Spanish (67%) think it is something casual that means nothing and may worsen at any time.
José Pablo Ferrandiz is a sociologist and vice president of Metroscopia.



ホセ·パブロFerrándiz23 MAR 2013 - 午前17時49 CET
このような措置は、資本逃避(69%)を助長しかねないというリスクを伴う妨げる二つの問題です - 確かに、これを適用するであろう法的安全ハザードので43%率は、と考えている金持ちになれ税へのさらなるサポートを提供します。
いずれにしても、ユーロの一貫性は耐火ようで、キプロスの状況やそこから派生した他のヨーロッパ諸国の関与の可能性についての不確実性は、その強度と耐久性の知覚を下げていない:スペイン語の71%は通貨が消滅の危険性を実行しないことを信じていた。そこで、彼らは2012年5月に、もう1年近く前(70%)と思った - 状況は今やその後ギリシャは新しい総選挙を保持するために準備していたよりもはるかに優れていなかったときの結果の後に政府を形成することは不可能であったそれらは数日前に開催され、スペインのリスクプレミアムは500ベーシスポイントを超えるレコードをマーク。
確かに、ここ数週間で私たちのリスク·プレミアムの安定性には懐疑的であるスペイン語(73%)のほとんど:2 3つのうちスペイン語(67%)がそれが何の意味もないカジュアルなものだと思うし、悪化させる可能性があるいつでも。

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