
スペインの国民党の元会計係りAlvaro Lapuerta, Luis Barcenasによる闇献金の収入による闇給料の配布を国民党は認める


スペインの国民党の元会計係りAlvaro Lapuerta, Luis Barcenasによる闇献金の収入による闇給料の配布を国民党は認める

El PP reconoce que permite a sus cargos públicos cobrar un doble sueldo

Todos los barones, salvo Rudi, Valcárcel y Camacho, niegan una compensación extra

Algunos “gastos de representación” superan los 50.000 euros

Rudi cobra 15.000 euros del partido

The PP recognizes that allows public office charge a double salary

All barons, except Rudi, Valcárcel and Camacho, refuse extra compensation

Some "entertainment expenses" in excess of 50,000 euros

Rudi party charges 15,000 euros

The People's Party, which has always rejected the term "bonus", admitted Monday that his public office are entitled to double compensation. The national leadership recognizes that contemplates the possibility for regional presidents-if the law does not forbid-regional, deputies, senators and even their autonomous parliamentary chambers. He said the number three in the training, Deputy Secretary of Organization and Elections, Carlos Floriano, who also attributed to these amounts the category of "salary", when in fact the law allows collectability as "entertainment expenses".
"Those who are public officials get a share for public office and elsewhere by the party," he said in an appearance at the party's national headquarters. Asked about the pattern used to manage compensation to their positions, Floriano tried to stick to the national PP: "In Genoa not charged or bonuses or supernatant. Salaries are charged. " "Wages" he said. "This is what you get. Wages ". The popular leader then explained what the criteria of the match: "Those who are public officials get a share for public office and the other party by the party. Those who are not public officials, all for the game. Those who are public officials in Congress and the Senate, received by Congress and the Senate and part of the game. Those who are deputies in the Assembly of Madrid are the Madrid Assembly by the party and the party. " "Therefore, no bonuses. There salaries, "he reasoned.
Only the president of Aragon, Luisa Fernanda Rudi, Murcia, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, and the leader of the PP in Catalonia, Alicia Sanchez-Camacho admitted that charge compensation. All other barons, from the number two PP, General Secretary, María Dolores de Cospedal, refused to receive additional compensation. The vast majority of parliamentarians Popular Group with responsibilities in Genoa, 13 deputies or senators and members of the National Executive Committee perceive, for example, compensation for "entertainment expenses" which in some cases exceeds 50,000 euros, according to property and income statements for the last year. The ministers and secretaries of state government charged only.

Can charge two salaries under the law? The incompatibilities of deputies and senators are contained in Article 70 of the Constitution and in six articles of the Electoral Regime Law. Generally can not combine the job with "the performance of private activities" and in particular, with companies that have contracts with the government works. But there are exceptions, such as managing personal or family assets (with certain limits), the production and literary, scientific and technical or activities that are authorized by the respective committee in Parliament.
Furthermore, in this term, only a deputy, Amaiur, was warned of the incompatibility of the two salaries, both of which came from public entities. So, other Members may maintain other "economic activities" they reported, in some cases, more than 500,000 euros, according to his own statement.
In Murcia, Ramón Luis Valcárcel receive 65,355 euros as president of the autonomous government and 18,030 euros in the form of allocation of PP. Luisa Fernanda Rudi receives 15,000 euros to complete his salary of just over 80,000 euros. In Catalonia, the formation leader, Alicia Sánchez-Camacho, does not specify in his statement of assets Senate what part of his remuneration, EUR 108 973, corresponding to the game. Limited to ensure that income received by your group in the Senate, Parliament of Catalonia, the Popular Party of Catalonia and the Ministry of Labour.

moreRudi party charges 15,000 eurosThe PP double bonuses paid to each month of the domeIU Complaint judges to curb Barcenas statement
An intermediate case is that of Navarre PP president, Enrique Martin, who receive mileage and per diem expenses, provided on presentation of evidence.
The rest of the regional barons PP, except the president of Cantabria, Ignacio Diego, which has not ruled, denying bonuses. This is the case of Galician president, Alberto Nunez Feijoo, who made a bare their fiscal data on 21 February. In opposition and now charged as deputy chairman receives salary (71,720 euros).
In a similar case is the Spaniard Jose Ramon Bauza, whose tax information includes only the compensation of 63,511 euros for the presidency of the autonomous government. In Euskadi conservative training said Monday that its deputies, led by Antonio Basagoiti, not balance their payroll expenses.
In Madrid there is the peculiarity that the president of the PP, Esperanza Aguirre, resigned last September 17 to the presidency of the Community and his seat as an MEP. Neither she nor the current president, Ignacio Gonzalez, earn bonuses, which the law of that community incompatibilities own particular limitations.
"No charge anything organic party charges," sources from the PP of Castile and Leon, while in Castilla-La Mancha, a law prohibits socialist who occupies the presidency, now Maria Dolores de Cospedal, collect any fees or compensation official soil margin.
Nor in Valencia and Andalusia, where the barons Alberto Fabra and Juan Ignacio Zoido made public their statements, receive a second paycheck of the party. As happens in La Rioja and Extremadura, where Pedro Sanz and Jose Antonio Monagas occupy both regional president regional PP like.
In the Canary Islands, the president of the PP is the Industry Minister Jose Manuel Soria, which is expressly forbidden receive other compensation regardless of their salary.

スペインの国民党の元会計係りAlvaro Lapuerta, Luis Barcenasによる闇献金の収入による闇給料の配布を国民党は認める


5万ユーロを超えるいくつかの "交際費"

常に用語 "ボーナス"を拒否した人民党は、月曜日が彼の公職は、補償を倍にする資格があることを認めた。国家の指導者は、可能性を企図することを認識し、地域会長場合法律が禁止の地域ません、でも議員、上院議員とその自律的な議会室。彼は言った訓練で3番、組織と選挙の副長官は、実際には法律は "交際費"として回収することができたときにも、これらの金額 "給与"の範疇に起因カルロスフロリアーノ、。
"公務員公職のためのシェアを取得し、他の場所でのパーティーである人は、"彼は党の全国本部で外観で述べている。その位置への補償を管理するために使用されるパターンについて尋ね、フロリアーノ、国家PPに固執しようとした: "ジェノアで充電またはボーナスまたは上清ではない。給与が課金されています。 " "賃金は"と彼は言った。 "これはあなたが得るものです。賃金 "。 "公務員である人は当事者による公職と相手のためにシェアを得る:人気のあるリーダーは、その後の試合の基準は何かを説明した。ゲームのためにすべての、公務員ではない人。議会と上院で公務員である人は、議会と上院とゲームの一部で受信された。マドリードの議会の議員である人は、当事者と第三者によるマドリードアセンブリである。 " "したがって、無ボーナス。給与は、 "彼はそこに推論した。
アラゴン、ルイサフェルナンルディ、ムルシア、ラモン·ルイスValcárcel、そしてカタルーニャのPPのリーダーの唯一の社長は、アリシア·サンチェス·カマチョはその電荷補償を認めた。ナンバー2 PP、書記、マリア·ドロレス·デCospedal、他のすべての男爵は、追加の補償を受けることを拒否した。ジェノヴァの責任、13議員や上院議員と全国執行委員会のメンバーと国会議員人気グループの大半はによると、例えば、いくつかのケースで5万ユーロを超えた "交際費"の補償を知覚昨年の財産及び損益の文。州政府の大臣と秘書だけ充電。

法の下で2給与を充電できますか?議員と上院議員の非互換性は、憲法第70条や選挙制度法の6の記事に含まれています。一般的には、政府の仕事との契約を持っている企業と、 "民間活動のパフォーマンス"と、特に仕事を組み合わせることはできません。しかし、このような個人情報や家族の資産(一定の制限付き)、生産と、文学、科学技術や議会の各委員会で承認されている活動の管理などの例外があります
さらに、この用語で、唯一の副、Amaiurは、公共団体から来たどちらも2給与の非互換性を警告した。だから、他のメンバーは、彼自身の声明によると、彼らはいくつかのケースでは、報告された他の "経済活動"、50万人以上のユーロ維持することができる。
ムルシアでは、ラモン·ルイスValcárcelは、自治政府の大統領として65355ユーロとPPの配分の形で18030ユーロを受け取る。ルイサフェルナンルディは、ちょうど上8万ユーロの給料を完了するために15000ユーロを受け取る。カタルーニャでは、形成のリーダー、アリシア·サンチェス·カマチョは、EUR 108 973、ゲームに対応した、彼の報酬の資産上院どの部分の彼の文に指定されていません。上院では、グループで受信されたその収入、カタルーニャの議会、カタルーニャの国民党と労働省を確保するために限られた。


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