
スペイン憲法裁判所は、財政赤字削減対策のための公務(公的)事務職員(国家公務員ではない)の872'000人のボーナスの1ヶ月の給料の削減が合法であるかの審査を受理。The Constitutional examine the legality of the removal of the extra workforce



The Constitutional examine the legality of the removal of the extra workforce

El Constitucional estudiará la legalidad de la supresión de la extra al personal laboral

La Audiencia Nacional recurrió al alto tribunal por el carácter retroactivo de la medida

María Fabra Madrid 29 MAY 2013 - 13:24 CET

The Constitutional examine the legality of the removal of the extra workforce

The High Court turned to the high court by the retrospective nature of the measure

María Fabra Madrid 29 MAY 2013 - 13:24 CET

The Constitutional Court has admitted the issue of unconstitutional by the High Court on the removal of the extra labor personnel decided by the Government. Now will this court that decides on the legality of the measure, which does not affect officials but public employees who are part of the workforce. The elimination of pay was appealed by the retroactive nature of it.

The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, has referred to the decision of the Constitutional and claimed that "we always think that our decisions are appropriate to the Constitution." He has expressed his confidence that the court giving reason to the Executive. "We did it because there was no choice," he concluded.

Through an order issued today, the high court has given 15 days to the Congress of Deputies and the Senate and the Attorney General so that they can make themselves in the process and make the arguments they wish.

Around 872,000 employees make up the workforce of government officials, non-workers can benefit from the interpretation given by the Constitutional.

The high court also studies the decision of the Government of Mariano Rajoy to present a conflict of jurisdiction by the government's decision to pay Patxi López Basque officials the Christmas bonus of 2012.



マリア·ファブラマドリード29 MAY 2013 - 13時24 CET

首相、マリアノラ憲法決定に言及ていると主張している"我々は常に我々の決定は憲法適切であると思います。"彼は、裁判所は執行理由を与えるという彼の確信を表明している。 "選択の余地がなかったので、我々はそれをしなかった"と彼は締めくくった。




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