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El Banco de España aboga por la recapitalización directa de los bancos
EFE Economía Madrid 31 MAY 2013 - 16:22 CET
The Bank of Spain calls for direct recapitalization of banks
Economy EFE Madrid 31 MAY 2013 - 16:22 CET
The Bank of Spain considers that if the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) could directly recapitalize struggling banks would help restore confidence in the sector and facilitate credit recovery.
This is one of the main findings of the Annual Report 2012 of the Bank of Spain, published today, recalling that in this way, the ESM would "make a bridge to the future management and resolution mechanism" of these entities.
Spain has used only 40,000 of the 100,000 million euros that Brussels made available to recapitalize and restructure the banking system, as agreed last summer.
The Government has stressed that it intends to apply to the remaining 60,000 million, or by recapitalization needs of banks, or by state funding.
According to the report, the recent financial crisis showed that there needs to be a greater "responsibility" in the monitoring and resolution of troubled institutions as a way to prevent systemic risks and the "feedback between sovereign and banking risks" , says the report.
This, he explains, has built a growing consensus on the need for "progressive transfer" essential aspects of banking policy to the supranational level, ie banking union deepen, as European governments agreed in June 2012.
In this way, remember the Bank of Spain, would restore confidence in the financial sector would eliminate the fragmentation of markets and would restore the transmission channels of monetary policy.
This union would be based on three pillars: a single supervisory mechanism, pooled deposit guarantee and a management and resolution of entities in crisis, the only one that has been advancing rapidly and that is expected to enter into force in 2014, report says.
This mechanism shall be composed of national supervisors and the European Central Bank (ECB), which will oversee directly to larger entities and those which have received European financial assistance.
According to the report, the genuine banking union also achieved by establishing an integrated mechanism for restructuring distressed entities, which has sufficient capacity to "isolate the sources of instability when prevention is not sufficient and banking crises occur."
Only in this way, the report continues, is able to address the problems "with the necessary speed," avoiding the difficulties that may occur in some institutions "contaminate public accounts" of the states where they are located and "casting suspicion on the entire financial system. "
Also addressed later the creation of a common scheme of deposit insurance, on which there is no consensus, and there are currently several guarantee funds with different forms of financing.
In short, the development of a complete banking union is "essential" to the "stability" of the European project, a union that shall provide crisis management instruments with which you can avoid fragmentation of financial markets and is favored integration of capital markets.
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