
ジョブズは早期退職給付署名に請求されていない. Jobs have not been charged for early retirement benefits signatures. The Ministry of Employment in 2012 would enter estimated 350 million each year



Jobs have not been charged for early retirement benefits signatures
 The Ministry of Employment in 2012 would enter estimated 350 million each year

Empleo todavía no ha cobrado por las prejubilaciones de firmas en beneficios

Han pasado más de dos años desde que se anunció la medida por primera vez

El Ministerio de Empleo calculaba en 2012 que ingresaría unos 350 millones cada año

Bruselas exige a España acelerar las reformas en pensiones e impuestos
Los expertos plantean pensiones con menos poder adquisitivo
Manuel V. Gómez Madrid 29 MAY 2013 - 00:04 CET

Jobs have not been charged for early retirement benefits signatures

It has been over two years since the announcement of the first measured

The Ministry of Employment in 2012 would enter estimated 350 million each year

Brussels requires Spain to accelerate reforms in pension and tax
Experts raise less affluent pensions

Manuel V. Gomez Madrid 29 MAY 2013 - 00:04 CET

For more than two years that a government, then the PSOE, promised that large companies pay unemployment benefits and Social Security contributions by layoffs of more than 50 years, calls early retirement, to do through a ERE. In that time he has approved the standard, has been amended, the regulation has seen the light and has become to change the law. And all for that 25 months later, with an executive of the PP, no case has gone through yet, supports the Ministry of Employment.
"Given the dates and procedures [...] could not perform any settlement in 2012," he admitted in April the Ministry of Employment in a parliamentary answer Plural Left parliamentary group. "The first settlements of these revenues [...] will be carried out throughout this year," he predicts. Jobs argues that the delay comes because of the ERE layoffs do not occur suddenly, but in most cases, are staggered, and there are cases where the termination does not come until months later. It adds that the regulations that regulate the collection was not closed until October.

No one has paid yet. An example is Telefónica, the first to be checkout
"What matters is that this shows that both sides have not shape up to anyone, even who pregonaran" laments, Joan Coscubiela, Plural Left.
The requirement that companies with more than 500 workers to pay unemployment and social contributions fired more than 50 years, first established in August 2011. In July last year, taking advantage of labor reform, the government reduced the size of the companies required to pay the minimum threshold set at 100 employees. Just missing a detail for companies to pay: the regulations that, among other things, indicating to what bank the cash window. Was approved in October 2012, then the Ministry of Employment estimated that 350 million would enter each year. Without having taken a euro, the executive changed the conditions. He did it in March, arguing previous occasions difficult early retirement and layoffs of older employees. With the changes, which no longer require the company is in profit year conducts collective dismissal, Employment would enter the year estimated that about 390 million.
But for now, no one has paid. An example of this is Telephone. Theoretically, the operator is the first company to have to checkout as precisely the ERE which announced in April 2011 was one that took the measure (known as Amendment Telefónica). Despite this the operator has not made any payments, says Jobs. The company, meanwhile, says that if you have not already paid for all the time it took the ministry to have everything ready. It also clarifies that it has reserved the money you have to pay and I begin to do so in the coming weeks.





マヌエルV.ゴメスマドリード29 MAY 2013 - 午後12時04分CET
"日付と手順を考える[...]は、2012年に任意の決済を行うことができなかった"と、彼は月に会派を左議会解答複数の雇用省が認めた。 "これらの収入の最初の入植地は、[...]この一年を通じて実施される、"と彼は予測している。ジョブズCEOは、EREのレイオフが突然発生しないのため、遅延が来ると主張しているが、ほとんどの場合、ずらして、終了が後数ヶ月までは来ていない場合があります。これは、コレクションを規制する規制が10月まで閉鎖されていないことを追加します。

ジョアンCoscubiela、嘆き "でも双方が誰にもシェイプアップしていないことを示している、pregonaranことが重要なのである"、複数は左。
500人以上の労働者と企業は失業と社会貢献を支払うという要件は、最初に2011年8月に設立され、50年以上を解雇した。昨年7月に、労働改革の利点を取って、政府は100人の従業員で設定最小しきい値を支払うために必要な企業の大きさを減少させた。どの銀行現金ウィンドウに示し、とりわけ、規制:ちょうど支払うための企業のためのディテールを行方不明。 2012年10月に承認され、その後、雇用省は、350万人が毎年入るだろうと推定した。ユーロをとらなくても、幹部が条件を変更しました。彼は前の場面の難しい早期退職と高齢従業員の解雇を主張し、月にそれをやった。もはや会社が利益の年になっている必要がありません変更は、集団解雇を実施すると、雇用は約390万人と推定年間のように入力します。

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