The municipalities of Madrid may have 100 standing for social collaboration
The unemployed be required to perform temporary work of public utility
Los municipios de Madrid podrán contar con 100 parados para colaboración social
El desempleado estará obligado a desempeñar un trabajo temporal de utilidad pública
Los sindicatos denuncian una nueva discriminación y que cubrirán puestos estructurales
Mariño: "Queremos que se recualifiquen los trabajadores"
UGT: "Cubren empleos estructurales"
REACCIONES: Llamazares acusa a Madrid de “usar mano de obra casi esclava”
El País Madrid 29 MAY 2013 - 16:41 CET
The municipalities of Madrid may have 100 standing for social collaboration
The unemployed be required to perform temporary work of public utility
The unions report a new discrimination and covering structural positions
Marino: "We want workers recualifiquen"
UGT: "They cover structural jobs"
REACTIONS: Madrid accuses Llamazares "use almost slave labor"
The Country Madrid 29 MAY 2013 - 16:41 CET
The Official Bulletin of the Community of Madrid published yesterday a new measure aimed only to the unemployed who receive benefits or allowances and excludes those who need more time to bring unemployed and have no support. This is known retraining program for unemployed participants in temporary social collaboration, which allows municipalities to apply for up to 100 unemployed "works and services of general interest". Jobs are a maximum of six months are considered not work for others, because the unemployed are required to do this work, for a maximum of eight hours including training (a minimum of 10 hours per month) and orientation ( eight), but will not be hired or discharged from Social Security, but receive an income which complements its provision.
The jobs range from housing rehabilitation, monitoring, repair of streets, sidewalks and lighting, public transport, waste management, fire prevention, leisure and cultural activities, tourism ... The regional government stresses that is based on a royal decree of 1982. The novelty is that Madrid has regulated regional decree "to facilitate its application," while laying on top of the table 15 million euros in financial assistance to municipalities that wish to join the program, you must submit a detailed project.
moreJobs says now that 91% of your plan will stand no provisionMadrid discrimination in jobs for the unemployed more precariousJob search first to those who "are gaining benefits""One of the objectives is the percentage of penalties, 8%"Registered unemployment in Madrid down 0.5% in April and affects 569,000 peopleLack of staff 'kills' Star Employment PlanUnemployment continues to grow in Madrid despite a slight relief in the rest of SpainHalf of the unemployed locals charges no public supportMadrid boasts the lower unemployment among young people despite the 'leakage' of 13,300 of themThe regional government contracts encourage younger and older than 45 years
As is the second cousin to a particular sector of the unemployed and pursuing alleviate the high spending on social benefits known in Madrid in just days. Last week it emerged that the regional government has ordered prioritize those that charge aid offer when the jobs arrive to the regional offices. Employment ensures that only done in four, within a pilot, but both unions rejected the employers own the practice. In the Madrid more than half of the unemployed lack support.
About the new decree, CC OO discrimination complaint is more and, while recognizing that this type of program is not new, says that was done "for many years", says the union for Employment, Mari Cruz Elvira, Lara informs Otero. In addition to the lack of training offered to these people (60 hours in six months), Elvira understood that structural positions can cover municipalities seriously jeopardizing job security, since the order to request up to 100 people per municipality . Resorting to these unemployed be cheaper to hire, as the Community pays only the difference between providing and receiving normal salary job.
Isabel Vilabella, secretary of labor relations and formation of UGT, also branded the move "absolutely reprehensible". "We return to give employment to those who charge a delivery and leave behind those who do not have" criticized. In his view, "leads to many problems", the main one is that the unemployed "may not seek employment because they will be working eight hours a day". In addition, he also believes that there is a clear danger that "dealing structural jobs." "Think about everything in any campaigns as the pools in summer. Such posts will be left to fill in the municipalities," he adds.
UGT recalls that "many councils have recently made job layoffs on those who have laid off staff itself in some cases was there in opposition. Such posts will be able to replace with unemployed." Vilabella clarifies that, "while they are working, unemployed consume their provision. Indeed, his salary will be its own performance." "The councils will receive 500 per month for each unemployed person hired to pay social security and five euros for each hour of training being conducted. And you have to meet the requirements of 10 hours a month," he explains.
Faced with these criticisms, the Department of Employment replies that these social collaborative programs are conducted in other communities such as Andalusia and Catalonia and Madrid itself, the list of town halls that were already doing is "long and of all political stripes, from Galapagar Aranjuez Mostoles through. " According employment, many town halls have to waiting lists because they give supply to fill these positions.
The Minister, Ana Isabel Marino, has defended the measure this morning and has emphasized based on a decree passed by "a government of the left", reports Europa Press. Marino noted that "fails to understand" why these plans up so much controversy. "So far nobody has criticized and do not understand how unions, if it is true that work on behalf of the unemployed, there oppose retraining programs because the aim of the Community is that the unemployed to work, those charged and those who no delivery charge. And that goal, no matter who despite not going to apear me, "she added.
Contrary to the criticism from trade unions, the Minister of Employment said that this program will provide sufficient training hours because "the best training, apart from the direct training qualification is practice." "The unemployed can not, in any way, ossify. Need to keep practicing and keep doing experience., And if so give them experience complemented by training, enough. And the best way to recover the qualifications in these cases is to return to work" he stated.
The minister explained that corporations will demonstrate the social interest of collaboration that ask the Community to present their projects and detail how many employees need. The deadline for submitting the plans is one month. After approval of Employment, employment offices send a certain number of unemployed according to the job profile and retraining required. The consistory will make another selection to see if they fit into the requirements. Marino pointed out that will prioritize the needs of the municipalities of less than 50,000 programs to enhance tourism and cultural revitalization.
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