The civilization of the 'drone'
We will have to arbitrate international rules for drones
tormentas perfectas
La civilización de los ‘drones’
Habrá que arbitrar reglas de juego internacionales para los aviones no tripulados
Lluís Bassets 26 MAY 2013 - 00:00 CET
perfect storms
The civilization of the 'drone'
We will have to arbitrate international rules for drones
Lluís Bassets 26 MAY 2013 - 00:00 CET
A new light illuminates our future. A new technology redemptive attend solve the problems of our daily lives and enliven our leisure time. We still can not get used to the idea of how things will be with this new star that has just appeared in the sky. Never mind that for now in the form of black aurora and lethal, in view of future profits will pour out upon us.
They are called drones, bumblebees in English, by the buzz so well known in parts of Yemen and Pakistan as an announcement of impending death. Miniature planes are relatively small even when they reach the larger size, because only must transport their machinery and projectiles.
Unlike other technologies hypocrites, do not lie about your double face. As has happened with other technologies initially used in military and then civilian life, the face you have shown so far is that nose-blind, windowless them death associated with distance have been opened, but still contain promise of life abundant.
Soon monitor and take care of the crops, swamps and rivers, power lines, gas and oil pipelines. Will an eye care awake skies, seas, channels and ports. Shall order the movement of trains, cars and boats. Observe boundaries, protected areas and even banks of fish, flocks of birds or swarms of insects. Attend the State of volcanoes, glaciers, polar ice, tides, tsunamis and sea currents. Save lives, save us many disasters and failures, and make our economies more competitive.
There will be a media and leisure chapter, beginning with the cycling races, marathons and all kinds of sports competitions, from which we get images that now can not even imagine. There will be a cinematic revolution. Journalism also know to take advantage of the new instrument as it has done for all who have preceded him.
Not disappear, of course, your initial face grim. Will attract all kinds of dark activities: smuggling, trafficking in drugs and people, major crime, terrorism. As much as we strive legal powers, will fall into the wrong hands, failed states, governments criminals or mafia groups. There will be crazy weapons claim an individual right to possess and use.
To civilize, ie do not just civil and military, will have to arbitrate international rules. And before those who have them, must restrict its use and submit to the rule of law, which have not done so far and they just announced the president has used most, which is the U.S. President and Nobel Peace, Barack Obama.
ルイス·バセット26 MAY 2013 - 00:00 CET
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