El déficit del Estado baja al 1,63% del PIB
La recaudación cae y aumentan los gastos, pero el desajuste no es tan grande como en 2012
Guindos pide a Bruselas flexibilizar el déficit público hasta el 6% este año
El País Madrid 30 ABR 2013 - 14:59 CET
The government deficit down to 1.63% of GDP
The collection falls and increase costs, but the gap is not as large as in 2012
Brussels asks Guindos flexible public deficit to 6% this year
The Country Madrid 30 ABR 2013 - 14:59 CET
The State recorded at the end of March a deficit of 1.63% of GDP, EUR 17.092 million, representing a decrease from the same period in 2012, when the budget gap of the central government reached 1, 95%. This reduction has occurred despite the fact that the two legs of national accounting, revenues and expenses, worse, but not as much as last year. The data is also conditioned by the different timing and modifications to the terms of returns for VAT, which had fired the balance budget execution of the first two months.
Previous month the deficit has fallen 27.46% since until February the state budget shortfall amounted to 23.561 million. However, we must remember that it is too early to draw conclusions about the evolution of the deficit. In this regard, in April the state has significant income taxes are paid quarterly.
Total noninterest income before deducting the participation of local authorities, reached 41.999 million, up 9% on the first quarter of 2012. In this section, tax revenues fell by 8.3% to 36.242 million. The cut, says Treasury, is "due to the significant increase in returns" after postponing for the last months of 2012 to make up the 2012 deficit data. However, in the end, forced Brussels compute these payments within the last year.
In any case, if it corrects the different pace of realization of returns in both years, homogeneous tax revenues in the first quarter increased 1.1%, highlights the department heads Cristobal Montoro, who attributes this evolution "impulse policy measures "and control activities.
On the other hand, the costs, the non-financial payments totaled 42.984 million, representing an increase of 3.8% in annual terms. The reason for this is the rise by 18.1% of the costs of debt and the increase in transfers to social security, rising by 47.2% to over 6,000 million.
Moreover, if we look at the national accounts data broadcast Tuesday by the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, in cash terms, which records receipts and payments when actually been carried out, the deficit reached to 18.841 million in March , 1.79% of GDP compared to 1.22% in the same month of 2012.
Throughout the year, according to latest government macroeconomic forecasts, the deficit of the central state administration should amount to 3.7% of GDP (Social Security to 1.4%, that of the CCAA to 1.2 % and local corporations to zero) for a joint goal of 6.3% of GDP.
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