



El frenazo de la inflación al 1,2% en la eurozona mete presión al BCE

Es la menor subida de precio en tres años, tras moderarse en cinco décimas respecto a marzo

El paro de los Diecisiete escala en abril al 12,1%, con Grecia (27%) y España (26,7%) a la cabeza

El Banco Central Europeo debate este jueves una bajada de tipos y medidas de apoyo a las pymes

La electricidad y las gasolinas frenan el IPC al 1,4% en España
Alejandro Bolaños Madrid 30 ABR 2013 - 12:14 CET


Fuente: Eurostat. / EL PAÍS

The slowdown in inflation to 1.2% in the eurozone puts pressure on ECB

This is the lowest price increase in three years, after moderate in five tenths compared to March

The Seventeen-scale unemployment in April to 12.1%, with Greece (27%) and Spain (26.7%) at the head

The European Central Bank on Thursday a drop discussion of types and measures to support SMEs

Electricity and gasoline CPI slowing to 1.4% in Spain

Alejandro Bolaños Madrid 30 ABR 2013 - 12:14 CET

Consumer prices also cool in the euro zone, as predicted ahead of Spain data (whose CPI fell from 2.4% to 1.4%) or Germany (with inflation at 1.2%) known on Monday. Eurostat The first estimate of what happened in April, reflects another dry braking in Seventeen, with an average annual rate of 1.2%, versus 1.7% in March. It is the smallest increase in three years, from March 2010
Inflation in the euro zone is already well below the reference which handles European Central Bank (ECB), 2%, to ensure price stability in the medium term. The same goes for the volume of money in circulation grows at rates (below 3%) very low. The combination with the fragility of the economy, the eurozone is in recession and the bad omens-April, with the indicator of economic sentiment in the euro zone or industrial orders down, raise the pressure on the ECB to strikes again.
The climbing, tenth-tenth, unemployment also weighs. The unemployment rate in the eurozone arrived in April to 12.1%, a new record, with Greece (27.2%) and Spain (26.7%) at the head of this comparison Eurostat monthly draws. Even Germany, with the unemployment rate of 5.4%, chain two months with an increase of unemployed registered at employment offices.
The ECB Governing Council meets Thursday in Bratislava (Slovakia) with a possible cut in interest rates and a package of measures to get credit for SMEs get on the table. The euro rate, at 0.75% since July last year, is a record low. But it is also higher than the dollar or the yen, whose central banks also have launched aggressive purchases of government and corporate securities to sustain their economies. Several European governments, with France in the lead, believe that this divergence in monetary policy keeps the overvalued euro, which makes the output of the European crisis.
At the other end, Germany is resisting new rate cuts, and Chancellor Angela Merkel in election campaign, has even suggested that the most appropriate for the German economy would be a slight increase. ECB President Mario Draghi is not so far shown a strong advocate of this measure because it believes that, given the fragmentation of financial markets, their effectiveness is limited.
Draghi is more concerned that the massive ECB liquidity in banking does not result in more loans to SMEs. And for months threatens with measures similar to those already implemented by the Bank of England, which subsidizes loans to entities wholesalers British agree to give a certain level of lending to small businesses.






アレハンドロボラニョスマドリード30 ABR 2013 - 12時14分CET
先スペインデータ(そのCPI 1.4%に2.4%から低下した)、またはドイツの予測としてもクールなユーロ圏の消費者物価、(1.2%でインフレ率を含む)月曜日に知られています。ユーロスタット月に何が起こったかの最初の見積もりは、月に1.2%に対し、1.7%の平均年率で、セブンティーンでブレーキ別の乾燥を反映している。これは、2010年3月から、3年間で最小の増加である
クライミング、十の10分、失業も重量を量る。ユーロ圏の失業率は、ギリシャ(27.2%)とユーロスタット毎月が描くこの比較の先頭スペイン(26.7%)で、12.1%、新しいレコードに月に到着した。 5.4%の失業率、チェーンの雇用事務所に登録失業者の増加に伴って二ヶ月でさえドイツ、。
ECB理事会は、金利の可能性カットとテーブルの上に得る中小企業のための信用を得るための措置のパッケージにブラチスラバ(スロバキア)で木曜日を満たしています。 7月以来、0.75%で、ユーロ相場は、昨年は、記録的に低い。しかし、それはまた、その中央銀行も自国の経済を維持するために、政府と企業の有価証券の積極的な購入を開始しているドルや円よりも高くなっています。リードでフランスとヨーロッパのいくつかの政府は​​、金融政策では、この乖離は、欧州危機の出力になり過大評価ユーロを、保持していると考えています。
ドラギは、銀行の大規模なECBの流動性は、中小企業へのより融資につながるしないことの方が重要である。 、数ヶ月のために既にイギリスの中小企業への貸付の一定レベルを与えることに同意するものと実体卸売業者への融資を助成イングランド銀行によって実装と同様の対策を脅かす。

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