



Pescanova pide hasta 100 millones a la banca pese a seguir sin revelar su deuda

Los acreedores no aceptan por ahora la petición, aunque no cortarán la financiación básica

Exigen una nueva reunión la semana que viene para ver las cuentas de la compañía

María Fernández / Cristina Delgado Madrid 23 MAR 2013 - 00:05 CET

Pescanova calls to 100 million to the bank while continuing without revealing its debt

The creditors do not accept the request for now, but will not cut core funding

Require another meeting next week to see the accounts of the company

Maria Fernandez / Cristina Delgado Madrid 23 MAR 2013 - 00:05 CET

Between 70 and 100 million euros has informally requested the multinational banking Pescanova in preconcurso of creditors, to grease its cash and avoid delays in payments to suppliers. Banking sources confirmed that, for the moment, the demand for power Galician firm has fallen on deaf ears. Do not close the credit tap to maintain basic operations of the company, but refuse to pay that amount without knowing what the debt hole in its accounts.

According to some sources, the bank has called a meeting next Tuesday to require data to clarify its debt, something the company says have not. The gap between what the person says their accounts (1,500 million) and the actual hole could exceed 1,000 million. But nothing is clear until its auditor, BDO, not finish the job that started on March 14 to map debt that includes all group companies.

The banks keep lending to non drown Pescanova
Pescanova President lied about the advice to the CNMV
Pescanova blurred between 500 and 1,000 million of debt

The creditors' position remains the same: they will not drop to a multinational with 10,000 employees and a turnover of 1,600 million, for they are very dirty plumbing. "Can not stop, if you block that's when we can begin to tremble," said an industry source.

The loan urgently asked the company headed by Manuel Fernandez de Sousa, in any case, just fix it immediately. The war within the board will soon move to the shareholders that management must support the president, Manuel Fernandez de Sousa. The CNMV keeps the ban on the price.




マリア·フェルナンデス/クリスティーナ·デルガドマドリード23 MAR 2013 - 夜12時05分CET



債権者の立場は変わらない:彼らは非常に汚い配管アールのために彼らは10,000人の従業員1600万ドルの売上高を持つ多国籍企業には落ちないでしょう。 "あなたは私たちが震え始めることができるだとブロックしている場合停止することはできない"と業界筋は伝えている。

ローンは緊急にマヌエル·フェルナンデス·デ·スーザ率いる企業に依頼しどのような場合にちょうどすぐにそれを修正するボード内で戦争が早く経営陣は社長マヌエル·フェルナンデス·デ·スーザをサポートしなければならないこと、株主の皆様へ移動します。 CNMVは価格の禁止を維持します。

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