スペイン国立銀行の実質的監督責任のある元副総裁のJavier Arizteguiは、銀行再編基金:FROB(Fondo de Reestructuracion Ordenada Bancaria)に、Bankia銀行に融資すると公的資金の損失になると警告せず
El Banco de España no dio al FROB la voz de alarma sobre Bankia
Javier Aríztegui, subgobernador y presidente del fondo de reestructuración, declaró al juez que no avisó de que se podía perder el dinero público invertido en la entidad
Íñigo de Barrón Madrid 12 MAR 2013 - 00:00 CET
The Bank of Spain's FROB gave no alarm about Bankia
Javier Ariztegui, deputy governor and president of the restructuring fund, told the judge warned that they could lose public money invested in the entity
Barron Íñigo Madrid 12 MAR 2013 - 00:00 CET
The exsubgobernador Bank of Spain, Javier Ariztegui, was responsible for bringing "the day-to-day supervision," according to Miguel Fernández Ordóñez, governor of this institution in the National Court, which is investigating the case Bankia. This function gives a key role to Ariztegui to know the details of what happened in the crisis of Bankia, which is under investigation by the judge Fernando Andreu, having demanded 22.424 million of public money.
Furthermore, Ariztegui, for being a lieutenant, took another job very relevant: President of Bank Restructuring Fund (FROB), which is the UVI of entities, and is responsible for injecting taxpayers' money. In late December 2010, the FROB placed 4.465 million in the Financial and Savings Bank (BFA), Bankia matrix, to strengthen its capital. In September 2011, the Bank of Spain inspectors analyzed entity and warned that it was very difficult to recover the money put. "Despite the existing capital surplus, estimated doubtful FROB funds back," they said in an inspection report that was released in December 2011, five months after he left to Bankia Bolsa.
moreThe Bank of Spain concluded in 2011 that was highly solvent BankiaGoirigolzarri: "I was surprised that I offered preside Bankia Rato"Guindos Ordonez rejects criticism on the crisis of Bankia"What I got is that the auditor had no reservations"Confessions of a governorMiguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez: "The merger of Bankia could have gone right"Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez: "Monitoring the lieutenant governor had"
Ariztegui knew this situation to be lieutenant governor, but the question is whether the FROB warned of the risk assumed. "Did you ever measure the FROB to avoid this risk early warning to the inspectors?" Asked Andrew Herzog, UPyD lawyer, one of the complainants in this case Bankia.
Ariztegui denied. He justified his attitude because "the work of the supervisor is absolutely confidential, as required by law." He explained that supervision does the Bank of Spain in Bankia not tell the CNMV nor any other "because it prohibited by law. I can be Deputy Governor of the Bank of Spain, but I'm in the FROB as president of the steering committee, I can understand the situation of Bankia and other entities but the FROB as such knows that, I know the Bank of Spain. "
The number two dismissed Ordonez validate the "monitoring reports" of the inspection, although most known, have been prescient. "Crews, 15 or 20 people turn their opinions in the working papers, the monitoring report, which are internal matters of the Bank of Spain. Monitoring reports are working drafts, where members of the teams reflected their views. There is a document used to make decisions to the executive committee to ask for changes or executive action requirements. "
But all this can not leave the walls of this institution. "If the market supervisors say everything we know of the entities in Spain and around the world, there would be no market supervision because supervisors know the reality," he said. Justified why not undertake any warning to markets.
The deputy governor said that despite the hardships we suffered BFA, the Bank of Spain did not prevent his Bankia subsidiary announced it would pay dividends by 50% of the profits. "The FROB had given the loan to BFA, not Bankia" he said.
I can understand the situation of Bankia and other entities but the FROB as such knows that, I know the Bank of Spain "
Javier Ariztegui, exsubgobernador Bank of Spain
Inspectors also said in December 2011: "The BFA matrix is not a viable entity, diagnosis is shared by the president of BFA" [Rato]. "At the individual level, it should be noted that generates doubts ratings Bankia shares in the assets of BFA, which is a very relevant for solvency." The lawyer asked if he appreciated that risk FROB.
Ariztegui said that when pulled with BFA Bankia Bolsa "examined whether quality deteriorated FROB as a creditor. We understood that going public and selling value was put in to get the right price. We understood that there was a deterioration, it was legal. " Then disaster struck.
Throughout the evidence at the hearing, which lasted nearly four hours, Ariztegui denied that the Bank of Spain approved the recapitalization plan Rato filed May 4, 2012, on the eve of his resignation. "They gave us a blueprint for us to start looking at it. The markets were nervous. Europe was much war because the euro could fall and strategic piece was Spain. If not convinced that thoroughly worked, probably would have dragged the currency, was a drama. " Then, the economy minister, Luis de Guindos, "talks with President of Bankia" and took the controls on the crisis, said. "When were these decisions [meetings with top bankers that ended with the departure of Rato] neither the governor nor I were in Madrid, but in Basel".
Another issue was whether the interrogation forced the merger of Caja Madrid and Bancaja. "The Bank of Spain or enjoins or threat. Bancaja wanted to go solo and told him that his plan was unreal. " "We never marry anyone, what we did was introduce two friends," he summarized. "The integration of both plan was reasonable, viable and we support it." Then came the reality and the citizens paid the bill.
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