



Enemigos de Internet: Siria, China, Irán...

Reporteros Sin Fronteras publica su informe anual en el Día Mundial contra la Cibercensura

Javier Martín Madrid 12 MAR 2013 - 08:54 CET

Internet Enemies: Syria, China, Iran ...

Reporters Without Borders publishes its annual report on World Day against Cibercensura

Javier Martin Madrid 12 MAR 2013 - 08:54 CET

Syria, China, Iran, Bahrain and Vietnam are among a dozen countries Internet enemies by their policies online espionage, according to the annual report by Reporters Without Borders today released Tuesday to coincide with the World Day against Cibercensura.
The report of this year, of which Cuba has disappeared as a country that spies on its citizens more, also includes a group of countries "under surveillance" and although there is a majority of Arab countries and dictatorial, are also found in that chapter Australia and France for their content filtering laws and closing of accounts of individuals for copyright reasons. In that sense, RSF said: "France must not sacrifice freedom of expression on the Internet and net neutrality for security or copyright protection."
In that sense, the yearbook also criticizes recent laws adopted by democratic countries, "potentially draconian laws that would allow widespread surveillance installation. Examples are the CISPA FISAA and, in America, the British Data Communication Bill, UK The Wetgeving Bestrijding Cybercrime, in the Netherlands, and many texts that sacrifice free speech on the Internet, claiming to fight against cybercrime. "
The report points to Internet Enemies five companies "mercenary" who sell their services to governments to provide technical assistance for oppression of its citizens. These companies are Gamma, Trovicor, Hacking Team, and Blue Coat Amesys, all based in Western countries.
A total of 22 journalists and 18 Internet users were jailed last year in Syria because of cyber espionage exercised by the Government through its telecommunications organizations that control five million citizens. Even encrypted data block and email exchanges with foreign countries.
In the case of Iran, the Government has decided to create its own local Internet. Internet has imprisoned and killed 20 of them. But in terms of people affected, according to RSF is number one for China, as individuals and companies have to go through the loop of the government or a state company for Internet access, in addition to supporting a filter to foreign websites. For reasons of Internet, the government jailed last year over a hundred citizens, thirty of them journalists. The same government control exists in Bahrain (77% Internet penetration) and Vietnam.
RSF calls stop selling computer equipment to these countries, as currently the European Union or the United States are helping with their supplies, censorship and repression.



ハビエル·マルティン·マドリード12 MAR 2013 - 8時54分CET
キューバはまた、その市民にスパイが複数存在する国として消滅したの今年の報告書では、 "監視下"国のグループが含まれており、アラブ諸国と独裁の大半はあるものの、またで発見され章オーストラリアとフランスは、そのコンテンツの著作権上の理由から、法律や個人の決算をフィルタリングすること。その意味では、RSFは言った: "フランスは、セキュリティや著作権保護のためのインターネットおよびネットの中立性に表現の自由を犠牲にしてはいけません。"
その意味では、年鑑はまた民主主義の国で採択された最近の法律、 "広範な監視のインストールを可能にするであろう潜在的に厳格な法律を批判している例としては、CISPA FISAAと、アメリカでは、英国のデータ通信ビル、英国アールオランダ、サイバー犯罪と戦うために主張して、インターネット上の言論の自由を犠牲に多くのテキストでWetgeving Bestrijdingサイバー犯罪、。 "
その市民の抑圧のために技術支援を提供するために、政府に彼らのサービスを販売する5社 "傭兵"インターネットの敵にレポートを指します。これらの企業は、ガンマ、Trovicor、ハッキングチーム、ブルーコートAmesys、欧米諸国に拠点を置くすべてのです。

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