



Las autonomías avisan al Gobierno de nuevos errores en el copago

Las comunidades trasladan sus quejas al Ejecutivo por los ciudadanos mal clasificados

Algunos pagan por sus fármacos más dinero de lo que les corresponde y otros menos

María R. Sahuquillo Madrid 24 MAR 2013 - 20:35 CET

Autonomy warn the government of new errors in the copayment

Communities to move their complaints by citizens Executive misclassified

Some pay more money for their drugs than their share and others less

Mary R. Sahuquillo Madrid 24 MAR 2013 - 20:35 CET

The system manages the percentage contribution of citizens on drugs continues to generate errors. Six months after the entry into force of the rule that increased the copayment pharmacist, there are hundreds of misclassified users: some pay more and some less than their share of their income level. Communities alert the Government to remedy the failures. Some fear, moreover, that the introduction of new sections, such as the Ministry of Health proposes to do now for those earning between 18,000 and 100,000 euros (now pay 50%) - further mismatch complex computing structure and repeat the numerous incidents recorded during the first weeks of application. Health ensures that errors are punctual and that its resolution is rapid.
With healthcare reform, the Government of Mariano Rajoy last April decreed a historic change: the pensioners should first pay for the drugs. Since July, covering 10% of these products, with a monthly cap of 8, 16 or 60 euros, depending on your income. Juan Francisco Gonzalez, Madrid 63, is retired for almost four months. But when the doctor prescribed several drugs just two weeks ago to treat a urinary tract infection, discovered contained in the system as an active worker with an income of between 18,000 and 100,000 euros. He must, therefore, pay 50% of the medicines. "I was surprised, but I paid it," he says. Gonzalez has put a claim in the Madrid Health Service, is waiting for that answer.

Holes in the system
The percentage that citizens must pay for the drugs were calculated with data from the tax return last year. So, if your job situation has changed, for example because they have lost their jobs, these data can be truly outdated. This is one of the holes that are expert system. Another is that the copayment is calculated per person and per household. Something that hurts large families-a situation that Minister Ana Mato promised solve-or multiple patients. It also means that in homes where the only income coming in is that of a pensioner who has several dependents, is applied to each of them the maximum amount of payment, rather than per household. That is, everyone pays the 8, 16 or 60 euros monthly cap set by law.
The rule only releases payment to people with non-contributory pensions, the long-term unemployed and sick-specific pathological conditions as those affected by toxic syndrome. Disabled people are only entitled to free medicines if they have known for 33% disability and if your case comes under a very strict law of 1984 which leaves out, for example, those with certain pensions. Thus, in practice, most must pay.
The Socialist Party on Friday filed a motion to amend the law to reflect copayment as one of the exemptions to people with more than 33% disability. Congresswoman Laura Seara, one that has developed, criticized the reform launched by the government. "It is a fact so reckless, that is generating dozens of problems."
The Ministry of Health, who directs Ana Mato, recognizes that there may be "cases of disagreement" with the classification assigned to citizens on their income, a cataloging codes is collected in a database, which crosses information from the National Institute of Social Security, Treasury and regional health services. Health explains that a circuit has been established for the devolved administrations to communicate errors, are checked and, if necessary, be rectified.
In Asturias is concerned that, six months after the Government put in place the system, errors still occur. This autonomy, which has appealed to the Constitutional Rajoy health reform in several places, including increased co-Health has warned of faults. Andalusia also one of the six that has used the law-that in addition to reporting to the ministry through the specific circuit, warned of disorder to the Government Office. But, errors, requires counseling spokesman, will keep giving. In Murcia, the errors are smaller than in the early days of law enforcement. This region has developed its own system to collect incidents.
In Navarra not detected an avalanche of cases, but his administration has found a system to solve until the state database the remedy. "When we detect a failure to classify that user in the lowest level of input that is not prejudiced by that error," said a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health.
A M. Lorenzo, the code that gives the system does not disadvantage, but it irritates. The company made this Toledo several months a record of temporary employment regulation (ERTE) by suspending the contract with its workers for a period. Since then, Lorenzo and other partners are, for the system that manages the co-payment, long-term unemployed. Therefore, drugs are free. "I am outraged. My parents, seniors, and I do not pay. I do not know how they have become the norm, but is full of holes ", criticizes, considering also that the current crisis will produce dramatic changes in family income, for better and for worse, in very short time.
Health and Social Security-which impacts is limited only to manage the database-not clarify whether the classification of Lorenzo is a mistake. The case is similar to the early retirees: a concept that reflects the system. Many of them, regardless of the economic agreement that came with your company-recorded in the database as assets become unemployed. So when they run out of unemployment benefits, says a spokeswoman for Health, are free to drugs.
"We are meeting with very shocking cases," criticizes Alejandro Toledo, President of the General Alliance of Patients, which requires the Government to, since they do not reverse this action "unfair taxing the most vulnerable", resolved bugs . Toledo added that the measure increasing inequality between autonomy. Each system has been adopted and a deadline to return money to pensioners who pay more for their drugs, when they exceed the ceiling determined by law. In Andalusia, for example, fail to pay when you have reached that figure. In Valencia and Extremadura return it every six months. Many pensioners, in fact they have not yet charged. The co-payment and repayment of the stops are causing, as Bayle Marciano Sanchez, spokesman for the Federation of Associations for the Defence of Public Health, some pensioners stop buying drugs they need. The 17% of them have not taken any medicines that your doctor has prescribed them because I could not afford it, according to a study of this entity.




メアリーR. Sahuquilloマドリード24 MAR 2013 - 午後08時35分CET
システムには、薬物に対する市民の寄与率は、エラーを生成し続けます管理しています。いくつかの給与より所得水準のシェアよりも、いくつかの小さい:6ヶ月自己負担薬剤師を増やし規則の発効後、誤って分類された数百人のユーザーが存在します。地域社会は、障害を改善するために政府に警告を発します。さらにミスマッチ複雑なコンピューティング構造と記録された数々の事件を繰り返して - いくつかの恐怖は、さらに、そのような保健省などの新しいセクションの導入は、18,000から100,000ユーロ(現在は50%をお支払い)の間にそれらの収益のために今何をすることを提案していることアプリケーションの最初の週の間。健康はエラーが厳守していることとその解決が迅速であることを保証します。
医療制度改革で、マリアノRajoy政府昨年四月には、歴史的な変化を定め:年金受給者は、第一の薬剤の支払をするべきである。あなたの収入に応じて、毎月8のキャップ、16または60ユーロで、これらの製品の10%をカバーし、7月以来。フアン·フランシスコ·ゴンザレス、マドリッド63は、ほぼ4ヶ月のために引退しています。しかし、医師は尿路感染症を治療するために、わずか2週間前に、いくつかの薬を処方する際、18,000〜100,000ユーロの収入との積極的な労働者としてシステムに含まれているを発見した。彼は、そのため、医薬品の50%を支払わなければなりません。 "私は驚きましたが、私はそれを支払った"と彼は言う。ゴンザレスはマドリード保健サービスにクレームを入れて、その答えを待っています。

金曜日に社会党が33%以上の障害を持つ人々への免除の一つとして、自己負担金を反映するように法律を改正するための申立てを行った。議員ラウラSeara、開発したものは、政府が立ち上げた改革を批判した。 "それは問題の数十を生成しているので、無謀な事実である。"
アナマトを指示健康、省は彼らの収入で国民に割り当てられた分類との "意見の不一致の例"があるかもしれないことを認識し、目録規則が交差するデータベースに収集され社会保障、財務省と地域保健サービスの国立研究所からの情報。健康は、回路は、エラーを通知するために権限を委譲された行政のために設置されているチェックされ、必要に応じて修正されることを説明しています。
ナバラで例雪崩を検出しましたが、彼の政権は、状態データベースまで救済を解決するためにシステムを発見したではない。 "我々はそのエラーによって害されていない入力の最下位レベルでそのユーザーを分類するための障害を検出すると、"保健省の広報担当者は述べた。
M·ロレンツォ、システムを提供しますコードは欠点がないが、それは刺激する。同社は、このトレド数ヶ月期間を定めてその労働者との契約を懸濁することにより一時的な雇用調整(ERTE)の記録を作った。それ以来、ロレンツォと他のパートナーは自己負担、長期失業者を管理するシステムのために、である。したがって、薬は無料です。 "私は憤慨しています。私の両親、先輩、私は払っていない。私は、現在の危機が非常に簡単に言えば、良く​​も悪くもと、家族の収入に劇的な変化を生み出すことも考慮して、批判し、 "彼らは常識となっている方法を知っているが、穴だらけだしない時間。
彼らは、このアクションは、 "不公平な最も脆弱な負担をかける"、解決済みのバグ逆転しないので、 "我々は非常に衝撃的な例と会っている"とアレハンドロ·トレドに政府を必要とする患者の一般的なアライアンスの社長、批判トレドは、メジャーが自治の間の不平等を増やすことを追加しました。それぞれのシステムを採用し、彼らは法律で決められ天井を超えた場合、その薬のための多くを支払う年金にお金を返すために締め切りされています。アンダルシアでは、例えば、あなたがその数字に達したときに払うことができない。バレンシア、エストレマドゥーラに半年ごとにそれを返します。多くの年金受給者は、実際には彼らはまだ充電されていない。ストップの自己負担と返済が原因となっている、ベイルマルシアーノサンチェスは、公衆衛生の防衛のための連合会のスポークスマンとして、いくつかの年金受給者は、彼らが必要とする薬を買うのをやめる。私はそれを余裕がなかったので、それらの17%は、このエンティティの調査によると、医師はそれを処方したことに薬を取っていない。

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