



La Junta destina 120 millones adicionales al plan contra la exclusión social

Unas 150.000 personas se beneficiarán de algunas de las medidas previstas en el decreto

El País Sevilla 30 ABR 2013 - 12:49 CET

The Board allocated additional 120 million plan to combat social exclusion

Some 150,000 people will benefit from some of the measures provided in the Decree

The Country Sevilla 30 ABR 2013 - 12:49 CET

The Ministry of Education and is this year 70 million euros to cover bonuses dining and breakfast and lunch will two million euros.
This action is part of a solidarity plan food, worth 16 million euros, which is also planning to expand dining aid to 12 senior centers, of which 7,500 people will benefit over 65 years. A thousand of them receive that meal at home.
The bulk of the budget pie takes the call Social Action Plan, worth 60 million euros. This program acts on labor in two directions: first, by recruiting people through local councils (40 million) and on the other, the strengthening of home help for dependent, with which it is intended that the lack of state funding in Dependency save between 2,000 and 2,500 jobs, most of them held by women.
The Board shall give the municipalities that apply for grants to hire between 15 days and three months unemployed and at risk of exclusion that play activities "of special interest to the community." The requirements necessary to apply for this job are several: to bring unemployed for over a year, the family unit receive less than 1.5 of IPREM (798 euros) per month and be at risk of exclusion. But this situation will prove automatic right job, but hiring will prioritize those in which all family members are unemployed, belong to a large family or where there is at least a minor age. Also marked out area be resident in social transformation needs, have dependents or being a victim of domestic violence.
The wages of these contracts will be 1,000 euros per month, including social contributions. The Board will ask the Government to the exemption from payment of these fees to recover 14 of the 40 million budgeted. Their estimates are that 47,000 people can be hired with this formula
The home help for dependent people have 20 million. This measure is not so much to create employment as to prevent the destruction of between 2,000 and 2,500 jobs by funding cuts in the law of the Unit. Montoro said that aid to dependent will moderate, so far out of the service.

The figures of the programs of action included in the decree
The decree against social exclusion is to protect the most vulnerable families. The programs will have an additional € 120 million to the 74 million already budgeted.
The decree includes a Social Action Special Plan of Andalusia, with a budget of 60 million euros, the Solidarity and Guarantee Plan Food, with 16 million, and regulatory changes to streamline procedures for the Solidarity Minimum Income and Program Solidarity for the Eradication of Marginalisation and Inequality in Andalusia, which will provide additional investment of 44 million euros.
To help corporations, within the Social Action program is 40 million euros earmarked for the hiring of unemployed and at risk of social exclusion for a period of between 15 days and three months. The priority will be families with all members unemployed, many with children or living in areas in need of social transformation or disabled persons in situations of dependency, and single parents and victims of domestic violence with children. The program will employ more than 47,000 people.
Financing of home care services with 20 million euros to offset the decline in state contribution to system dependency care. In this case, the forecast is for between 12,000 and 15,000 beneficiaries with an average of 20 hours of service and maintenance of 2,000 jobs.
Four million budgeted for collection agencies, collection and distribution of food.
12 million euros to create a supportive network food (216,000 daily menus for a year at the soup kitchens), reinforce bonuses canteen prices (of the 72,000 children with lunch insured, 46,800 will also have breakfast and lunch), the senior centers (cheap menus will access 12,700, 7,500 more than last year) and the extension of temporary support families at risk of exclusion (benefit 17,000 households and 33,000 more children, so this feature will serve a total of 22,552 families and 45,259 children).
Streamlining of procedures relating to Minimum Income Solidarity. In 2012 were 54,893 applications for this program, which received $ 69.3 million euros, slightly increases in the budgets of 2013. According to the Decree, this amount will be enhanced with an extraordinary provision of almost 44 million euros.
The situation has led to the adoption of this special program by decree is marked by the increase of households with all members unemployed and without income (from 33,200 in 2007 to over 100,000 in 2012), worsening indicators lower welfare (72,200 households living in severe material deprivation) and older (33,868 in social exclusion) and drastic (-68%) cuts in the System Care Unit between 2011 and 2013.



カントリーセビリア30 ABR 2013 - 12時49分CET
除外の下限とリスクが高い、保守サービスで食べ物を確保し、自治体を通じて労働契約:PSOEとIzquierda Unida政府連合は昨日4の面に作用する社会的排除に対する緊急措置令法を承認ホームはユニットの法則に大幅削減し、その他の予算項目アンダルシア力、から取り出さなければならないでしょうゲームの呼ばれる社会賃金は44百万円増加し、後2,000と2,500の仕事であること節約するのに役立ち全体的な量はEUR 30706000です。 "それはここで他の場所よりも多くの貧困があることではないですが、勇敢に対応し、忍耐を促す者として、他の方法を見ていないため、"保健社会福祉大臣、マリアイエスモンテロは言った。
最も印象的なリソースなしで、学生は一日三食を(朝食、昼食、おやつ)を受け取ることを保証することです。自由のために彼らはアンダルシアの学校で毎日食べ20万子どもたちの半数以上は現在少ない。両親の、それらの所得に応じて、この援助を受けて72,000子どもたちですが、46800も厚生省の推定によると、対象朝食やスナックになります。どのようにそれらのメニューを取るつもりですか?ダイニング施設が不足し、緊密な連携がすでに存在していると、NGOや非営利事業体を通じて構築されます子供の場合。ウィル三度の食事を受けることができた子どもたちを確認する報告書を発行しなければならない地域社会サービス。とはい、このサービスは、二つの追加食事はランチ前日与えられる施設があります。学校の休暇中に、この援助が中断、好ましくは都市部にあり社会貢献活動の分野に位置サマーキャンプに少なくとも一食を提供することができません。 5,500年頃の子供たちはこの措置を歓迎することがあります。
取締役会は、失業者15日三ヶ月間と排除のリスクが雇用する助成金を申請する自治体を与えなければならないことを遊び活動 "コミュニティへの特別な関心の。"このジョブに適用するために必要な要件がいくつかある:1年以上のために失業者持って、家族単位は月額IPREM未満の1.5(798ユーロ)を受信し、排除の危険性がある。しかし、この状況は自動正しい仕事を証明しますが、雇用は、すべての家族が失業しているものに優先順位を付けますが、大家族に属しているか、または少なくともマイナーがある場合年齢。また、エリア外にマークされて、社会変革のニーズに居住者で扶養家族を持っているか、家庭内暴力の犠牲者である。

最低所得の連帯に関連する手続きの合理化。 2012年には2013年の予算の増加わずか$6930万ユーロを受け取ったこのプログラムのための54893のアプリケーションがあった。政令によると、この量はほぼ4400万ユーロの臨時規定に強化されます。

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