



El BCE rebaja los tipos de interés al mínimo histórico del 0,50%

Draghi aplaza actuaciones concretas para ayudar a la financiación de las pymes

Dice que está "frustrado" por los fallos en la transimisión de su política monetaria

"No puedes ir por ahí repartiendo dinero desde un helicóptero", advierte

El instituto emisor contempla una tasa negativa a los depósitos

CLAUDI PÉREZ / El País Bratislava 2 MAY 2013 - 15:38 CET

The ECB cut interest rates to a record low of 0.50%

Draghi postponed concrete actions to help SMEs financing

He says he is "frustrated" by the failures of monetary policy transimisión

"You can not go around handing out money from a helicopter," says

The central bank provides a negative rate on deposits

CLAUDI PEREZ / The Country Bratislava 2 MAY 2013 - 15:38 CET

With other monetary authorities liquidity full open bar and extraordinary measures, and tucked Europe into a new recession, the European Central Bank (ECB) could not remain totally abstinent. The Eurobanco Mario Draghi chaired this afternoon announced a cut in official interest rates to 0.5%: new low in an era that is full of supposedly historical records, often for worse. In addition, the Central Bank has reduced the interest it charges for emergency loans (so-called marginal lending facility) of 1.5% to 1% and extended for at least another year extraordinary measures to ensure that banks follow having unlimited liquidity. However, it has announced measures to help SMEs.
"'ll Watch closely the next evolution of the economy and be ready to act if necessary" said Draghi, who has acknowledged his "frustration" about the problems in its monetary policy decisions (rate cut) and the improvement in the credit markets transmitted. In the chapter on future events are possible measures for the financing of SMEs, for which it has set up a team, and the imposition of a negative rate on deposits. In any case, the ECB president has warned that the eurozone and unlike what happens in other economic areas, "you can not go around handing out money from a helicopter."

moreThe risk premium brand thanks to the ECB minimum annualU.S. commitment to the encouragement to stand up to the crisisFrance and Italy are allied against austerity without growthNo credit no paradise
In theory, monetary conditions have never been so relaxed. But in practice, the Spanish and Italian companies face a credit tap closure, that when open is also high interest compared with German and Austrian companies. The experts call this phenomenon "financial fragmentation". It's actually like there are two parallel worlds within the eurozone: one that is expensive to borrow (and therefore invest, create jobs and emerge from the recession) and another who lives in cabin crisis first: Germany saved between 8,000 and 10,000 million euros, according to data handled by Klaus Regling (President of the European rescue mechanism) in the last three years because of the lower costs of funding.
Analysts expected the press conference following the Governing Council meeting in Bratislava (Slovakia), Draghi give more clues about how it intends to help the eurozone out of the hole we're getting into, with inflation rapidly the low riding into territory unemployment depression, especially in the South, and the entire continent paralyzed by a strange combination of severe fiscal austerity and, in practice, austerity also by the monetary side, manifested in some types of much higher interest to businesses and consumers in the South than for their counterparts in the core of the eurozone. The discount rate is a first signal but very weak: stuck in territory 0%, the official price of money has little traction, become a psychological salve rather than anything else.
"There are different situations in the euro area," Draghi has begun to admit before acknowledging that "business cycles are not the same, are not synchronized". "The same bank may issue debt reach 150 points cheaper than in Milan and Munich is the same bank," he told reporters synthesized. However, although "monetary policy measures may benefit some more than others", is convinced that the rate cut "benefits everyone." Also in Germany, where Chancellor Angela Merkel has defended a few days ago that his country was better to raise the price of money to lower it. But this did not question the supposed independence of the ECB: "I do not think your comment was made to influence the governing council," he said.
Throughout the crisis, the ECB has done everything in his power to prevent the financial turmoil had just as dawn rosary, but has been much more timid to pull the car when a eurozone nearly 20 million unemployed, in which the slimming economic problems is metamorphosing into a political crisis and social concern. And the ECB pointed out very timidly for their loses from the comparison with the U.S. and Japan, whose activism has allowed monetary recovery in Europe or is or was expected-and, ultimately, for not doing his job.

The ECB returns to accept debt as collateral Cyprus
The ECB will again accept Cyprus debt as collateral to lend money to banks in its refinancing operations, as reported by the Monetary Authority of the euro in a statement. To do this, the debt of this country, rescued last March, "will be subject to special cuts."
With this decision suspending the implementation of a minimum credit rating requirements for Cyprus debt used as collateral in refinancing operations.

The ECB has taken the decision in the memorandum of understanding agreed between Cyprus and the European Commission, which reflects the program of financial and economic adjustment for Cyprus, which is appropriate, according to the Central Bank.






CLAUDI PEREZ/国ブラチスラバ2 MAY 2013 - 15時38分CET
"'は密接に経済の次の進化を見て、必要に応じて行動する準備が整いよ"彼のその金融政策決定(利下げ)の問題について、 "不満"と認めているドラギは言った信用市場の改善は、送信。将来の事象についての章では、それはチームを設置しているため、中小企業の資金調達、及び預金にマイナスの金利を課すために可能な対策である。いずれにしても、ECB大統領はユーロ圏が、どのような他の経済分野で起こるとは違って、 "あなたはヘリコプターからお金を配って回ることはできません。"と警告している

理論的には、金融政策条件が緩和ようにされていない。しかし、実際には、スペイン語、イタリア語の企業がオープン時は、ドイツとオーストリアの会社と比較しても高金利であることを、信用タップ閉鎖に直面しています。専門家はこの現象は、 "金融の断片化"と呼んでいます。 (したがって、投資し雇用を創出し、不況から出てくる)借りることが高価であり、もう1つは最初のキャビンの危機に住んでいる別:ユーロ圏内の2つのパラレルワールドが存在するように、それは実際のドイツため資金調達のコスト削減の最後の3年間でクラウスRegling(欧州救済メカニズムの社長)が扱うデータによると、8,000および10,000百万ユーロとの間で保存された。
"ユーロ圏におけるさまざまな状況がありますが、"ドラギは "ビジネスサイクルが同じではない、同期されていない"ことを認める前に、認めざるを得始めている。 "同じ銀行はミラノとミュンヘンに比べ150ポイント安い債務リーチが同じ銀行で発行することが、"彼は合成された記者団に語った。しかし、 "金融政策が他よりもう少し恩恵を受けることができる"が、レートはカットと確信している "給付みんな。"また、アンゲラ·メルケル首相は、彼の国は、それを下げるためにお金の価格を上げるために優れていたことを数日前に擁護しているドイツ、である。しかし、これはECBのはずの独立性を疑問視しませんでした: "私はあなたのコメントは、運営審議会に影響を与えるために作られたとは思わない"と彼は言った。

ECBは再びとして文でユーロ通貨庁によって報告そのリファ​​イナンス業務の銀行にお金を貸すために担保としてキプロスの借金を受け入れます。これを行うには、この国の借金は、 "特別なカットの対象となります。"、昨年3月救出


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