パナマ運河の拡張工事で、建設費用の増大を要求したのスペインの Sacyrサキー、イタリア Salini Impregilo サリニ=インプレギロ、ベルギー Jan de Nul ジャン=デ=ヌルの企業連合の工事を、パナマ運河当局は、品質管理不足と批判
El Canal de Panamá acusa a Sacyr de falta de control de calidad en las obras
Sacyr responde que la ejecución de los trabajos ha sido “impecable”
La ACP culpa al consorcio de los problemas con el basalto y el hormigón
El Canal de Panamá sigue sin recibir una solución al conflicto
Miguel Jiménez Madrid 17 ENE 2014 - 00:00 CET
The Panama Canal Sacyr accused of lack of quality control in the works
Sacyr responds that the execution of the work has been "flawless"
The ACP blames the consortium of the problems with basalt and concrete
The Panama Canal remains without a solution to the conflict
Miguel Jiménez Madrid 17 ENE 2014 - 00:00 CET
The consortium Grupo Unidos por el Canal ( GUPC ) tries to come to terms with the Panama Canal Authority (ACP ) to avoid the stoppage of works next week . But while the parties negotiate agreements and partial funding formulas , the swords remain . The major points of disagreement remain unresolved and seem to go the way of arbitration. After the explanations of Sacyr in accusing problems with mud , basalt and concrete work to defects tender specifications , Channel Strikes . In a statement to El Pais, the consortium responsible ACP problems and comes to accuse him of " lack of adequate quality control ," while the Spanish group responds that jobs were " clean " .
The bulk of the additional costs of the works to expand the Panama Canal comes from three factors: the construction of the cofferdam or provisional dam , the properties of basalt and concrete specifications , explained Sacyr the National Securities Market Commission ( CNMV ) .
The two parties negotiate to unlock the extension
With respect to the cofferdam , Sacyr assured that the information of the ACP said you could build to 6 meters below sea level, but there had to be dredged sludge , had to build to 13 feet below sea level and cofferdam was wider and higher than expected. The ACP contends that its claim of $ 120 million was rejected by the Board of Dispute Resolution ( DAB , for its acronym in English ) , which concluded that the cofferdam is not a structure of the new locks , but was built by decision GUCP as part of its methodology. Add that information about the terrain and dredging was included in the specifications and the contract provided that these physical conditions were the responsibility of the contractor.
In turn, Sacyr contends that the decision of the DAB had a dissenting vote against and points out that the case has gone to international arbitration in Miami. It also underlines the cofferdam is a prerequisite for the construction of the locks , under the project and the offer and insisted that the geological and geotechnical information provided by the ACP was incomplete and incorrect work.
The lawsuit goes for long , even partial agreements reached
Sacyr demanded 497 million dollars because the basalt of the excavations on the Pacific side was good for the concrete used in the locks , contrary to what they said tender documents , according to his version . The ACP rejected the claim in May 2013 . In the HOME statement to the Canal says he made clear the type of basalt that would be in the area, but that the consortium should try it before you buy your plant to find out what equipment was used in the project . " That was his responsibility. The contract clearly stated that the ACP was not responsible for ensuring that the basalt was appropriate or necessary for use in the project. Nowhere in the contract states that belonged to the ACP to ensure the type of basalt that was in the area. It was the responsibility of GUPC select and process the material in the most appropriate manner in which to comply with the requirements of the ACP . "
The reason for the problems , according to the Canal, is that "the lack of adequate quality control GUPC basalt contaminated during drilling and blasting early because not segregated , as suggested by the practice." "As they began to excavate the material in the right way and had no problem continue to use it ," adds the ACP , which emphasizes that the consortium has been used in the construction of the new locks basalt found in the area, including fine components , " contradicting his own argument against the material ."
moreSacyr suspended work on the Canal by the extraPanama rejected the ultimatum and refuses to pay more moneySacyr cost overruns Panama Canal is noted as incomeSacyr cost overruns attributed to the geological study of the ACP
Sacyr insists that the information provided by the ACP during the offer expressly determined using basalt from the excavations of the work as a source for the production of concrete aggregates . Ensures that the " incorrect information has led to large cost overruns and delays GUPC in the execution of the work due to the search and exploitation of alternative sources , sophisticated treatments for usable basalt and discard large volumes of unsuitable material ." He concludes: " The quality control and execution of the work by GUPC were spotless throughout time , as evidenced by the contract documents ."
The third major issue in dispute is concrete. The channel said that " concrete specifications [ as it is called there to concrete ] were clearly defined in the contract ," and that " the design of the concrete mix was not approved or rejected by the ACP , but the designer himself ( designer of record ) of GUPC " . Sacyr accurate that the problem is not in the specifications, " but in the unilateral interpretation of the ACP on the age of the concrete to be met ." Sacyr said that " the time has given reason to GUPC because formulas initially approved by the ACP have proven to be valid ." And "the design, manufacture and application of a mandatory oversized concrete demands for unilateral ACP has caused heavy delays and cost overruns ."
The two sides are willing to defend its position before the DAB and international arbitration , if necessary. All indications are that although it reached a partial agreement to unclog the works , something that interests the two parties, the lawsuit Panama Canal goes for long .
ミゲル·ヒメネスマドリード17 ENE 2014 - 00:00 CET
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