El gasto público en medicamentos baja 1.976 millones en un año
El copago, la desfinanciación y los precios de referencia tiran a la baja de la partida
Mato no tiene datos sobre qué parte ha sido asumida por los usuarios
Emilio de Benito Madrid 23 JUL 2013 - 17:43 CET
Public spending on drugs low 1.976 million in a year
The copayment, defunding and reference prices downward pull of heading
Mato has no data on how much has been taken by users
Emilio de Benito Madrid 23 JUL 2013 - 17:43 CET
The good news for counselors Interregional Council of Health ( the ministry meeting with regional health officials ) today was 1.976 million reduction in what the government ( in this case the community ) have had to spend on prescription and financed .
June data were particularly relevant because it fulfilled one year from the entry into force of the measures the Government star : changing copayments which made while the long-term unemployed without benefits stop pay - as stressed Health Minister Ana Mato , pensioners forced to pay part of their drugs. Without naming them, the minister gave special thanks to the efforts of this part of the population to reform paid nothing .
moreThe pharmacist savings cost the retired 384 million in 2012Public spending on drugs falls to 2004 levels
The reduction is not only the total amount. Have also been reduced prescriptions ( 14.7 % yoy) . And the average cost of each of them ( -4.07 %).
So far the data. But explanations are missing. Mato admitted who have not studied how much of that savings by the communities (which are paid ) has been transferred to the users, who now pay more . Nor is there a study on the impact of the de-funding of more than 400 specialties and successive price reductions that occur as a result of increased rigor in the application of reference prices .
And of course , no way of knowing whether communities have used these savings to reduce debt or cut less on health care. Or why they have spent.
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