El FMI advierte de que el alto desempleo en Europa persistirá durante años
El organismo recomienda a España un apretón de tuercas para mejorar el crecimiento económico
Óscar Granados Madrid 30 ENE 2014 - 17:20 CET
The IMF warned that high unemployment will persist for years in Europe
The agency recommends that shook Spain nuts to enhance economic growth
Oscar Granados Madrid 30 ENE 2014 - 17:20 CET
The prospects are not good for the Spaniards unemployed. Economists at the International Monetary Fund ( IMF) have predicted that high unemployment could persist for years in many European countries , including Spain , where the agency has recommended further tightening nuts on labor reform.
During the launch of Jobs and Growth: supporting Europe's recovery , the chief economist of the European Department of the IMF , Helge Berger , said that after the financial crisis and the reforms that have been made , growth forecasts remain fragile . " The prospects for a vigorous expansion occurs are modest, even in the medium term," he said.
The publication of the international organization says that wage rigidity in Spain and internal inflexibility of larger companies have contributed to unemployment. The advisor of the Fund for the Department of Europe, Antonio Spilimbergo has been cautious in the presentation of the book. He has refused to give specific recommendations for the Spanish economy to undertake the path of growth , however , not the case in the publication of the institute, where the country situation analyzes and calls for strengthening the latest labor reform .
Among the recommendations , the agency highlighted harmonization of severance pay in temporary and permanent contracts and the elimination of automatic wage indexation . It also recognizes that there must be an automatic renewal of collective agreements .
Regarding the data of the last quarter of 2013 , which was 0.3 % quarter on quarter GDP , Helge Berger said that this is good news for Spain , but does not mean the end is the end of the economic crisis.
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