Presión en las botellas de Coca-Cola
Iberian Partners, la mayor embotelladora de España, reducirá fábricas y plantilla
Cristina Delgado Madrid 15 DIC 2013 - 01:00 CET
Pressure on bottles of Coca-Cola
Iberian Partners, the largest bottler of Spain, factories and reduce staff
Cristina Delgado Madrid 15 DIC 2013 - 01:00 CET
Synergies . When workers of the seven Coca- Cola have decided to merge heard that word in 2012, began to tremble . This group of family businesses , which until then had been responsible for packaging the popular soft drink in different parts of Spain , were preparing to join forces . The companies claimed that the goal was " more corporate than industrial ." However, in factories and offices , employees began to think that maybe in one large company could fit fewer workers in seven medium . That dreaded future has begun to take shape this week. 5,000 employees hold their breath , because they know that the restructuring knock on the door of 1,200 of them .
Iberian Partners, which is the name the company that emerged from this union seven , issued a press release on Monday . They announced that they had decided to " address the reorganization of its structure after completion of the integration of the bottlers ." The process recognized the signature, " affect , with measures of varying scope ," 20 % of the workforce . A company spokesman notes that not all will be layoffs, and the company will try to agree on voluntary transfers and minimize casualties and forced exits. The representatives of the workers , who had gathered a couple of hours before the address to receive the news, caught loud and clear message ERE for organizational reasons , ie , a record of employment regulation under one of the pretexts which includes labor reform and therefore allows minimal compensation if the company wants .
Iberian Partners is the sum of companies that dragged complex family shareholdings . The packaging system of Coca-Cola in Spain was a rarity for decades. There were more than forty licenses can bottle the soda. They were to be joining Seven: Cobega , Daurella of the family, was the largest , responsible for the franchise in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands and other bottlers bottling investments in Spain. Casbega , the second by size, responsible for the downtown area. Rendelsur worked for Andalusia and Extremadura . Colebega distributed to the Mediterranean coast. Asturbega had permission to Asturias. Begano in Galicia. And Norbega was in the Basque Country and Navarre. Too long list of companies and franchises in the eyes of Atlanta (USA ), where the headquarters of Coca -Cola 's empire . The U.S. giant looked favorably (and prodded ) simplification . I wanted a single license to Spain , Portugal and Andorra.
The company announced layoffs or changes to 20% of its employees
The union, which was not easy to set by the complex interests of individual owning families , began in 2011 , was extended through 2012 and ended on February 17, 2013 , when he received the blessing of the National Competition Commission (CNC ) . He was born a giant. Still have not posted any overall assessment results , but its net revenue is around 3,000 million euros. Serving the Iberian division called Coca -Cola , the second in sales in Europe ( 14%), only behind Germany (16 % ) , which sells 24 brands and 69 products to over 400,000 customers. A giant enterprise , but made as a kind of Frankenstein stitched from seven companies , each with its factories, sales offices , human resources services , maintenance ... Duplication and triplication several .
It premiered presidency Iberian Daurella Sol Partners , of the family that owns Cobega . As CEO sat beside one of his trusted men , Victor Rufart . Has assumed the reorganization, for which it has engaged the law firm Sagardoy . The company insists that , for now, decided not to address the system restructuring, and hence the lack of specificity . But your ad can be read between the lines several things. For starters, the company says the " maintaining and increasing production and workforce in seven of the eleven existing factories so far ." That is, it will close four factories . He adds that there will be " a new commercial organization with five major centers of activity in Spain , in addition to maintaining a good part of the territorial delegations created by bottled " . I mean, some delegations disappear.
Fewer plants. Fewer offices. What about your employees? " Solutions that provide internal redeployment opportunities will arise , as well as formulas that favor voluntary membership to the proposed measures , including early retirement will be discussed in working groups where access to it possible," Iberian advances Partners.
Unions fear minimum compensations for labor reform
"The company did not give details. But in the end , after the meeting in which we explained that it would be a reorganization, they said yes , that would be an ERE "says José Vicente Canet, Labour Action FEAGRA OO -CC . The uncertainty and tension , he says, has been extended by the template. Because the pools on which factories will be closed or who has a duplicate since spread . The closure of factories , as daily Cinco Dias said on Thursday , will focus on Asturias , Galicia, Andalucia and Mallorca. "Imagine what the people feel that it is in these areas , thinking maybe it's true and will stay in the street ... " says Canet , who thinks that the negotiation of the ERE will be tough. The company denies that already know what they will close factories and his spokesman insists that if they have not offered details is because until January will not have the final reform plan .
But the staff has already begun to reckon . The workers know that 1200 will be affected in total. They know that many factories are 60 % activity. That means that if you are lucky enough to stay open , will host more production and some other enclosed template centers to operate at about 90 %. Although it is impossible to absorb all dismissed .
The inputs to the website of the CCOO trade union branch in Casbega ( the second company by size seven merged) have skyrocketed. " There are nerves ," says one member . The union has gone to the Labour Inspectorate and denounced the lack of information from management. "They have dedicated staff to send letters saying for months that we are the factory of happiness and that all fit the new project . But it was not true , "laments the union .
Expect the ERE is present between 15 and 30 January . A month in which the template chew fear and think who stays and who goes. "The process starts from the most absolute respect for workers, which the company is committed to maintaining an ongoing dialogue with the aim of reaching an agreed solution ," promises the address.
クリスティーナ·デルガドマドリード15 DIC 2013 - 01:00 CET
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