La trata de personas trae a unas 40.000 personas a España al año
Este comercio es más rentable que el tráfico de drogas, afirman los expertos reunidos por Cáritas. Hay explotación sexual, laboral, mendicidad
Juan G. Bedoya Madrid 21 ENE 2014 - 14:37 CET
Human trafficking brings about 40,000 people a year to Spain
This trade is more profitable than drug trafficking, according to experts gathered by Caritas. There are sexual or labor exploitation, begging
Juan G. Bedoya Madrid 21 ENE 2014 - 14:37 CET
It happens every day before our eyes, but we see it or not , or to look elsewhere. I still do, many times, the law enforcement authorities . Is human trafficking for sexual or labor exploitation . Every year come into Spain between 40,000 and 50,000 young people to be used for this purpose in many ways and by many different criminal proceedings. In Europe they are 500,000. Worldwide , nearly three million people undergoing trafficked . About half are minors. In economic data , it's like sometimes they look and measure the dirtiest human tragedies , this is a business of between seven and 12 billion dollars annually, according to a recent UN report . In Spain , there are five million every day, according to estimates from the Ombudsperson , Soledad Becerril . This is the second in the world in clandestine business profits, after gunrunning and drug trafficking before .
All these data have provided experts today Christian organizations around the world participating in Madrid at the biennial meeting of the COATNET (Christian Organizations Against Trafficking in Human Beings , in Spanish Network of Christian Organisations Against Trafficking in Human Beings ) Tuesdays. For attacking this problem, the Committee on Migration of the Spanish Episcopal Conference ( CEE), Spanish Caritas, the Cruz Blanca , Justice and Peace Foundation and the Conference of Religious of Spain ( CONFER ) have published a very complete tutorial for secondary teachers get " shock the students about the seriousness of the issue , identify what is the question, to understand their causes and consequences, and take a stand against human trafficking ."
" We must attack this problem ," says the head of the EEC Migration , José Luis Pinilla. " In recent years , this phenomenon is growing poverty," added Francesca Petriliggieri responsible for trafficking issues at Caritas . Not only refer to sexual or labor exploitation , but also to arranged marriages , and drug trafficking and organ . Labor exploitation occurs especially in factories , in the countryside , domestic servants and through begging.
" As we constitute no networks will not solve the problem ," said Pinilla. All experts considered very poor , "still" , the involvement of state authorities (judges , prosecutors and police ) in the fight against the mafias that control that nasty business. Worse . The laws and regulations governing migration facilitate the work of the mafia . He holds many facts and examples Martina Liebsch , advocacy director of Caritas Internationalis . " The mafias use immigration as a threat against migrants ," he said .
In countries of origin , traffickers prey on poverty, gender discrimination and the lack of political stability in poor countries . In destination countries , such as Spain ( target , but also on his way to the North) , is the disregard for the dignity of women and the profit motive causes fat to tolerate or similar business. It is the thesis of the guidance given to the media . The customer is a key factor . These are people who go to clubs called alternate , they buy cheap products strikingly despite knowing that they were imported from countries where workers are exploited so brutal , cowardly or silent when known cases of labor exploitation. It is what the tutorial called "social and legal tolerance of trafficking networks ."
Experts meeting in Madrid also silent before the cynicism of the media and the silence of the competent authorities. The guide gives information on what he calls " the hypocritical prostitution business that moves , he estimates , 18,000 million annually. 40 goes to the coffers of the media announcing that business. The calculation is for a parliamentary commission set up in March 2007 . That year , the Socialist Government informed public opinion " was working to remove prostitution ads ," recalls the directory.
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