La tasa de paro juvenil vuelve a superar el 55% en el cuarto trimestre de 2013
En España hay cerca de 890.000 menores de 25 años que buscan un empleo y no lo encuentran
El empleo cierra en 2013 su sexto año de caída y el paro sube al 26%
El País Madrid 23 ENE 2014 - 12:43 CET
The youth unemployment rate returns to exceed 55% in the fourth quarter of 2013
In Spain there are about 890,000 children under 25 years looking for a job but can not find
Employment closes its sixth year in 2013 fall and unemployment rises to 26%
The Country Madrid 23 ENE 2014 - 12:43 CET
Youth unemployment suffered by holders Spain attracts and captures the attention of major world leaders , as made evident U.S. President Barack Obama, the newly rating this problem as the black point of recovery. On Thursday, the Labour Force Survey for the fourth quarter of 2013 reconfirmed that the collective is the hardest hit by the crisis and its situation , far from improving, getting worse.
moreObama Rajoy warns that the " challenge " is to reduce unemploymentGRAPHIC evolution of the Spanish labor marketSpain lost labor in 2013 at top speedCatalonia and Madrid, heads and tails of the labor marketJob destruction preys on the public sector
According to survey data published by the INE. in Spain there were 889,300 young people , willing to work , they could do it. With this, the youth unemployment rate increased again to over 55% again . Opening focus and also including those who study , the number of unemployed young people account for 22 % of all persons under 25 living in the country.
To calculate the unemployment rate , the statistical office only takes into account people who are active , that is, willing and working age . For young people, this group during the third quarter amounted to 1.6 million. The rest up to the total of four million people living in Spain for less than 25 years are inactive , ie, not actively seeking employment and therefore not counted for attaching the unemployment rate .
Most of these 2.4 million young people are students , but also who works and studied since the total number of persons less than 25 years enrolled or following some training is superior. Specifically , 2.8 million .
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