La brecha salarial aumenta y refleja la disolución de la clase media
Los directivos gana un 7% más, mientras el sueldo de los mandos intermedios cae un 3%
In English: Wage gap in Spain widens hastening the decline of the middle classes
Clara Blanchar Barcelona 14 ENE 2014 - 12:30 CET
The wage gap increases and reflects the dissolution of the middle class
Managers earn 7%, while the salary of middle management falls 3%
In Inglés: Wage gap widens in Spain hastening the decline of the middle classes
Clara Blanchar Barcelona 14 ENE 2014 - 12:30 CET
The wage gap widens in Spain . While managers and 2013 saw their salaries increased by 6.9 % , the middle management fell 3.8 % and the bulk of employees 0.4%. The data revealed by the annual survey of business school Eada and consultancy ICSA Tuesday , are finding more of the dissolution of the middle class, has recognized the director 's report , Ernest Poveda. "This is a clear tendency to polarization : the rise of managers we collides with the fall of the other two segments where wages are equivalent to the lower part , where the trend is towards homogenization , while the top earners , earn more and also breaks the trend of being below the increase in the CPI , " he argued.
The study, based on 80,000 surveys reveals that the average salary of the directors has not stopped climbing (except for a decline in 2009 ) despite the crisis in 2007 was 68,705 euros gross per year and it has climbed up to 80,330 . The employees and managers have experienced a rise in 2008 and 2009 to go back down thereafter . Thus the wage controls in 2013 stood at 36,522 and the other employees, 21,307 euros.
Experts back a change in remuneration model , where most who earn more working
In Teacher salaries Eada and expert Jordi Costa , the relentless rise in pay at the top of the corporate pyramid opinion may have two explanations. The "optimistic is that if you were the first to download it , reducing the variable and the fixed refuge , are first in subírselo , which could indicate that the recovery begins ." The pessimistic interpretation is that "companies are focusing their efforts on the salaries of people who bet more value."
Change model
The two experts have criticized the phenomenon of polarization and have opted for a change in remuneration model , where you pay more to those who work better , be it scale . Also shown support for setting caps on higher wages based on the lowest , but have found as attempts to legislate in this sense - recently in Switzerland - have failed.
By sector, the study shows as the sector in which most climbing executive pay is industry, which has experienced a steady increase , while the sector since 2007 led the ranking of the highest paid , banking and insurance, has fallen to second place . The finance sector itself leads the salaries for middle managers and employees.
In the sectoral breakdown in the segment of employees also striking that the lowest paid and most fall are in commerce and tourism. "We are building a strategic sector with a huge percentage of GDP as trade and tourism on a fragile base," warned Poveda.
Finally , the study analyzes the wage regions. Both in the case of managers and in the controls, the highest salaries are paid in Madrid and Catalonia. In the case of employees, the record is Navarra , followed by New Madrid and Catalonia and the Basque Country in fourth.
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