Las estancias escolares anuales en el extranjero crecen un 23% en dos cursos
El sector prevé que la clientela suba hasta un 5%, tras la pérdida de los 50.0000 estudiantes de idiomas que becaban cada curso Educación y las comunidades
Wert suprime las becas de verano para estudiar idiomas en el extranjero
Se puede saber idiomas sin viajar (pero no igual)
Elisa Silió Madrid 15 ENE 2014 - 13:31 CET
The annual school trips abroad rose by 23% in two years
The sector provides the clientele up to 5%, after the loss of 50.0000 language learners who becaban each course Education and Communities
Wert suppresses summer scholarships to study abroad
You can learn languages without traveling (but not equal)
Elisa Silió Madrid 15 ENE 2014 - 13:31 CET
Spanish pupils in a year abroad have grown 23 % in just two years . This shows that despite the economic crisis , families make an effort for their children to live this experience that language can , in the future, open doors in the labor market. ASEPROCE , the association of even hundred companies in the sector ( 60% ) , calculated benefiting from this offer 3,000 students each year.
There are bilateral agreements between countries to facilitate exchange , but no regulator of the activity of these companies that coordinate stays outside as in France . So have presented themselves in the morning of Wednesday , a stamp of quality itself , which should have all ASEPROCE affiliated companies . The quality standards before and during the courses will be audited annually by the Lloyd's consultant . Companies are responsible for the design of classes and training programs, the enrollment in the language center , college or university, accommodation and transfers
The sector has weathered the crisis well . The number of students - intensive language course, graduate , school year, exchange or the like - were always maintained at 100,000 , a figure that pleased them having in mind the drop in birth rates. But companies have also had to cope with the loss of students on scholarships from the Ministry of Education and Communities . In 2007 enjoyed the aid of up to 1,700 euros, 50,000 young people and the number was kept fixed until 2011. That year they began to lose scholarships ministerial reduced to zero . In 2012 it was half and in 2013 it was changed to aids immersion courses in Spain .
Controversy arose when Minister Jose Ignacio Wert said: " They are more efficient language immersion courses that take place in Spain , the leading Language tourism to places like Australia , New Zealand or the United States."
In contrast , very few foreigners who choose to go to Spain to study a course in high school. The reasons range from the difficulty of the Spanish educational system to the poor promotion the country gives these educational and multicultural exchanges so appreciated in other countries. The favorite Spanish destinations are Britain ( 45 % ), Ireland ( 23%), U.S. ( 20 %), Canada (5% ), France (2.5% ) and Germany ( 2.5%).
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