スペインでは、2013年には、世界初の 風力発電が主要に需要の20'9%をまかない、原子力発電の20'8%を抜き電力供給第一位に のしあがる ( やったー!!!)
España es el primer país donde la eólica se convierte en la mayor fuente de energía
El sector aporta 54.748 GWh, suficiente para cubrir el 20,9% de la demanda a lo largo de 2013
Ofertas de empleo en el sector eólico
Cursos para obtener el título de instalador de energía eólica
In English: Spain breezes into record books as wind becomes main energy source
El País Madrid 15 ENE 2014 - 12:38 CET
Spain is the first country where wind becomes the major source of energy
The sector provides 54,748 GWh, enough to cover 20.9% of demand during 2013
Jobs in the wind energy sector
Courses for the degree of wind power installer
In Inglés: Spain breezes into record books as main energy source wind Becomes
The Country Madrid 15 ENE 2014 - 12:38 CET
Wind has been the primary source of electricity in Spain in 2013 , something unprecedented to date both in Spain and in the world , as reported Wednesday the employer's sector. " Spain is the first country in the world in wind power technology stands as the largest contributor to cover the demand for a full year ," according to the Wind Energy Association ( AEE ) . According to Red Eléctrica of Spain (REE ) , which had already been developed in late December , the coverage of the demand with wind was 20.9 % compared to 20.8 % from nuclear .
In total, renewable covered 42.4% of the electricity demand in 2013 , 10.5 points higher than the previous year. What type of technology after wind and nuclear stood hydraulics, which doubled its contribution to demand coverage to 14.4 %. Against this, combined cycles reduced its stake to 9.6% and coal groups to 14.6 %. Solar PV stood at 3.1% , just one point more than in 2012.
moreWind sinks wholesale price of electricity by the temporalWell that was gold kilowattThe unknowns consumption
Wind power production in 2013 was 54,478 GWh , the highest of history , representing an increase of 13.2 % over 2012. According to estimates of the association, this generation is enough to power 15.5 million households , 90% of the total. Nuclear produced 2,337 GWh wind than last year, but his contribution to the coverage of the demand was lower because it uses more electricity to run their facilities, and this is deducted when calculating the hedging demand .
The employer also recalls the importance of wind to lower the average cost of majoritarian market. " In early December the wind just blew by the anticyclone crossed Spain , and this was one reason for the sharp rise in prices in the electricity market , which reached peak hours 112 euros / MWh. However , due strong winds that brought the explosive cyclogenesis of Christmas Eve and Christmas day , the pool price dropped to 9.18 and 5.42 euros / MWh , respectively. these records have been made possible with little increase in the installed power year, "he highlighted.
Price Drops
" When the wind blows , the Spaniards are saving money ," they say in the press , but we must remember that this energy also earn bonuses based on their production , public money that is incorporated into the price per share of taxes .
They claim from the employer , " 2013 may go down in history as a great year for wind , but it will not ." "Companies are still not yet know the economic impact of energy reform ," warn before noting that " if the reform goes ahead as it has been raised , will have an unfair and disproportionate effect on the industry."
" Companies are 2014 mired in legal uncertainty - retroactivity of legislation containing energy reform is that the facilities in place are not going to have the expected income when the investments were made , and without expectation of future, it will be difficult for investors are encouraged to invest in wind power in this country, "he added .
国マドリード15 ENE 2014 - 12時38 CET
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