Edulcorantes cancerígenos, enzimas prodigiosas y otras falacias sobre la comida
Por: Mikel López Iturriaga| 16 de enero de 2014
Carcinogenic sweeteners, enzymes and other prodigious fallacies about food
By: Mikel López Iturriaga | January 16, 2014
Paradoxes of the modern developed world : If we analyze the current food with a bit of historical perspective , we see that is more varied , affordable and safer than ever . Yet the fear that harm us what we eat is growing , promoted by a lot of falsehoods that circulate mainly online. If true what they say about certain foods demonized by the strangest reasons, or products used to grow, cook or sell food , we would be dropping like flies , and we're still here , with a life expectancy higher than at any time in history .
Against this alarmist voices like José Miguel Mulet , doctor in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Valencia and author of Natural products ,what a rip offand tomatoes with Genes blog stand . This Alicante 40 just released Eat without fear, where depth is shipped with some common food places that do not withstand scientific analysis. He may agree with it or not in some aspects of his speech, but Mulet always backs up its claims with good arguments . Personally , I admire his courage in maintaining counter positions , and their patience when I discussed with some of those who are enlightened by the social networks .
The following is a summary of the talk that kept the Monday, we ordered some of the myths and falsehoods that is in the book.
Sweeteners cause cancer
"In normal doses of normal consumption , sweeteners are safe and fully secure ," says Mulet. "Obviously , if you can take a kilo and two kilos , they are hazardous , but five kilos of ham also kill you . Sweeteners have passed the approval of the European, and to a person who has diabetes and is greedy , they are compatible with their disease . Yeah that one was sold with a warning that it could be cancer , but this was based on animal studies that did not match what was happening in humans. "
Milk is ETA
One of the most widespread internet legends refers to the alleged evils of drinking milk when you're an adult . " No animal other than man does ," argues irrefutable argument propagators of this belief. " Nor no animal bacalao al pil pil kitchen and that does not mean it's bad," Mulet in a replica of the luckiest sentences of his book. "Milk is the food with the mammals they feed their young ," he explains. " It is a very energy expensive to produce food , so in nature reserves to them. Milk is a perfectly good food for any human , if you have lactose intolerance . There is no problem with it. Ponle milk any adult mammal and you'll see the baby as the sea of happy. "
He drank milk and majísimo was a kid.
So why lactose intolerance is more common now than a few decades ago ? " Because before undiagnosed well . Has always been people with digestive problems , what happens is they never knew they were intolerant . 's Also true that this is a niche market very interesting for manufacturers, and there are many people who believe that is lactose intolerant and what is not. " As for testing food intolerance , Mulet recommended that you always make them a doctor. "Among the pharmacy you do it yourself , I only trust me the pregnancy test ."
We believe all food studies appearing in the media
In his book , JM Mulet puts beer and wine as an example of ongoing studies that are published in the press about the benefits of particular foods . There is no virtue that they were not assigned : if slow aging , prevent that if obesity , if they have lots of vitamins and minerals ... ignoring that are " rich in a neurotoxic molecule, proven carcinogen that also causes addiction and thousands of victims each year: the alcohol." Chocolate and coffee are not far behind in number of positive reports , many without sufficient scientific basis .
How can we detect if food studies are reliable ? "The first thing is to see what the magazine has published , if it is valid and has a high impact factor , a fact that you can look into Google . Good information also does not come from a single study , but by several . Many studies say that such food is good and then discovers that because looked at a population level that was not representative , or taking in a way that was not the usual people ... I can post a report saying that the pepper is the vegetable that more vitamin C has I 'm not saying any lie, . problem is that this vitamin is heat labile , ie , that when you heat degrades and pepper do not what you usually eat raw This also serves to advertise. . misleading : I've seen advertised potatoes rich in vitamin C , and see who eats a raw potato . "
The diet of the prodigious enzyme works
Eat without fear uncovers inconsistencies and extravagances of a few fad diets , including the famous " prodigious enzyme " whose flagship in Spain is Mercedes Mila . " Your problem is that from a scientific point of view is an aberration ," said Mulet. " I've never seen so many stupid things together in so little space. And finally tells you that you have to eat less and more vegetables. That too I tell you without inventing there an enzyme around doing strange things . Losing weight is a matter of discipline , eating less or more balanced and above all , to do more sport. "
Happy with your enzyme.
The Paleolithic diet makes sense
This way of eating , which has achieved some popularity in recent years , argues that our body is adapted to eat as did the man in the Paleolithic . " For starters , we can not eat like 3,000 years ago because most of the species of plants and animals that ate human then become extinct ," argues Mulet. " Most of what we eat is very recent varieties Second failure . In the Paleolithic , life expectancy was 30 years, so it could not be very good diet When anthropologists have studied the bones of humans . then, they have discovered that they had all kinds of activities related to nutritional deficiency diseases. Paleolithic did not eat well, so the advantage not seen anywhere. what is true is that our bodies and our genes are adapted to nomadic life , we are made to store fat and not just get used to a sedentary lifestyle . "
If you're a vegetarian does not kill animals
" Not eating animals is respectable : everyone eats what he wants and I have nothing against that, but is a bit accommodating , because when you kill an animal always eat , even if you are vegetarian you have to protect plants from pests, . . using insecticides , nematicides or remove soil to the jungle . " In any case, Mulet says the vegetarian diet can be balanced and healthy , provided it includes eggs and dairy . "The problem is when you go to refine and does not want to eat that." I mean, when you do vegan . " Then you must split hairs because you can have deficiencies of vitamins and amino acids."
Eat only raw stuff is healthier
To Mulet, " raw food is nonsense ." "It's a very new fashion, because they think that Neanderthals and cooked Cooking is the first hygienic when face a food as : . . 's Always easier intoxicated with raw things say that foods lose properties to be cooked is a half-truth . few yes, but others earn vitamin A is much more available in cooked food than raw one [ this happens in the case of tomatoes , for example] same with amino acids, more assimilated in cooked foods . . these trends in much sectarianism : they have more religion than science-based . "
Water thins , and should be taken low sodium
Many brands of water sold as a product that helps to hold the line . Other highlights are " low in sodium " as if running water was high . " The amount of sodium you can take over any water is ridiculous . Much of the sodium you eat comes through solids. A piece of bread has more sodium than 10 liters of tap water. Changing water not will solve anything . regarding its slimming power, obviously if you drink a glass of water instead of take a burger, adelgazas " .
No weigh the years, weigh the pleats .
The ' lactobacillus casei ' increases your defenses
Are functional foods, such as dairy to increase defenses , cholesterol lowering or carrying omega- 3 are a scam? "I can not generalize ," responds Mulet. " Those who carry themselves phytosterols have been shown to lower cholesterol by 5 to 10% , and he has not a company, but serious studies of several universities. Lactobacillus casei Lo [ of Actimel ] and defenses , no. so had problems with the European Union by advertising. Now they have done it is to add vitamin B, and put an asterisk and small print explaining that favors your defenses for this vitamin , not the lactobacillus . every food must look , see what gives you and whether you need it. If you in your diet and take a vitamin normally, no need to pay more for a functional food that takes . "
Organic food is healthier
If something has been highlighted by the media JM Mulet has been criticized for its organic products . Why this constant complaint ? " Because they are abusing misleading advertising, both distributors and end- sellers and the occasional European other authority. Organic farming is just farming adapted to a regulation that all he asks is that what you put in the crop . naturally that does not guarantee that it is healthier , and better for the environment or anything, and in fact when studies have been done , they have shown that it is not. "
Is all organic food is a scam? Do they deserve these insults generic producers who have freely chosen not to use pesticides and do their job well ? "I do not disqualified , just talk about science You ecological associate with not using pesticides . Itself authorized pesticides are used seems to me very well someone produce organic when I say ' I do it because I believe in this ' But when I say . . ' I do it because it is healthier ' , sorry but there is no evidence for this assertion : convention is as healthy, and much cheaper . "
Followers of a green rhino hunting paleodiet .
Mulet denies that organic farming is good for the environment : " Note that productivity plummets , between 25 and 50% If you need more land to produce the same, where do you go to get that ground. ? the most respectful to the environment is to optimize the agricultural community and get more food with less space. " But he acknowledges some virtues . " Crop rotation or attempting to maintain different cultures in one place , or different varieties of a plant can be good, and that is something that is practiced in small-scale ecological . Distribution Short courses are as good as food is usually fresher diners arrive, but also less control. "
And some criticism for conventional agriculture or livestock ? "Sometimes too much abuse of pesticides because they are afraid of falling short and also fertilizers . Would half with the same result and less pollute aquifers Whenever conform more to lower the environmental impact , but it could still . better. "
Pesticides are a health hazard
" If used correctly and in the right quantities , are safe ," argues Mulet. " And is not that what I affirm is that it says a report by the European Union this year . A pesticide is used in the time it takes and has a safety period during which you can not touch a food, but after that period is valid percetamente . proof is that there has been no food security problem associated with its use in the European Union in recent years the problem is that every time we import more food from countries that use pesticides are not allowed here . "
Defender organic farming and being against GMOs is progressive
Faced with the identification of organic products and the fight against GMOs with progressive discourse , Mulet argues that " many on the left seem to have not read Marx and Engels , who were most rationalist who had" . "O do not know the beginning of political ecology and environmental protectionism , designed by the nobility to the bourgeois not removed the fields where they were hunting : the proof is in organizations like WWF , featuring the cream of European royalty . When the left stopped going to church had to start believing in any spiritual nonsense anti . 's same as the Church, but with a saffron robe instead of a cassock. anyway , it's a strange marriage , and I hope you have days are numbered . "
The right was honorary president of WWF.
The food industry is not responsible for the increase in obesity
"Part of it is, because to make the most appetizing foods greatly increase the fat and sugar content, which of two foods not abuse ," said Mulet. " But we must not ignore the responsibility of the consumer , they also have salads on hand and no one forces you to buy those foods. 'll Say that the blame is shared between the consumer and the industry."
The food is more dangerous now than in the past
"I encourage people to eat everything without overdoing the amount . Them eat more vegetables, more fish and less fatty meats . Them eat everything without fear, and who ignore hoaxes hobbies and read by internet: the actual food is safe. "
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