
諮問会社のOLIVER WYMAN(オリバー·ワイマン)は、スペインの開発業者の銀行の融資の不良債権の2270億0000'0000ユーロのうち、損失は最低28'6%の649億0000'0000ユーロで、最高42'8%の971億0000'0000ユーロと推定(かなり甘い推定をしている)


諮問会社のOLIVER WYMAN(オリバー·ワイマン)は、スペインの開発業者の銀行の融資の不良債権の2270億0000'0000ユーロのうち、損失は最低28'6%の649億0000'0000ユーロで、最高42'8%の971億0000'0000ユーロと推定(かなり甘い推定をしている)

El examen asume que la banca podrá recuperar la mayoría del crédito promotor

Oliver Wyman rebaja drásticamente las pérdidas de préstamos para suelo

Miguel Jiménez Madrid 30 SEP 2012 - 00:00 CET

The test assumes that banks can recover most of the loans to developers

Oliver Wyman slashes loan losses to soil

Miguel Jimenez Madrid 30 SEP 2012 - 00:00 CET

The consultancy Oliver Wyman has slashed in the final examination to banking its estimated credit losses with ground as collateral, especially the coach. While in July estimated up to 100% loss, now boasts that these are only 56% in the adverse scenario and still less than 37% in the baseline scenario, supposedly more predictable. The evidence to conclude that banking credit most promoter (including delinquent and) will not become lost or in the baseline scenario nor the adverse.
Brick toxic assets are the major concern of international investors and analysts about the health of Spanish banks. Examination of the consultancy Oliver Wyman confirmed to be the main source of losses, but their calculation is far from doomsday scenarios. According to his evidence, of a portfolio of 227,000 million loans to developers, banks would have lost 64,900 million (28.6%) in the baseline scenario and 97,100 million (42.8%) in the adverse scenario, below the figures calculated in July before further analyze the portfolios of institutions.
The expected loss for credit promoter in the adverse scenario ranged from 27.3% for loans that are secured by completed houses which amounts to a breach of 23,900 million, and 63.9% for loans that do not have mortgage-backed securities, representing a loss of 63.9%.
The non-urban land, the more drastic cuts
The most drastic reduction of the losses occurring in the non-urban land. In July, Oliver Wyman encrypted expected loss for loans with non-urban land as collateral in 90% -95% for the baseline scenario and 100% for the adverse.
The consultant seems to recognize his error now get to say that banks could not get even a single euro recover from that kind of credit. Now, not only admits that part of the funds will be paid, but also seems to consider that the non-urban land has considerable value as collateral in relation to the value of the credits, because even in the case of default on the loans, estimated losses would be 61% in the worst case scenario.
Oliver Wyman's conclusion is that only 9% of assets financed loans to developers that exceed the value of the loan. In contrast, 45% of all brick exposure, the loan to value ratio of the property (loan to value, LTV) is less than 60%. The firm has taken the test concludes that the LTV in Spain is relatively low compared to other countries. average with the latest appraisals is 62%, compared with 100% in Ireland and 80% of United States. With an eye to 2014, the average will rise to 85% or 99%, whichever is the scenario. The problem is that there is a strong dispersion between entities and others, so that in some the LTV can be as high as 122%.
The report reveals that among the losses were computed to calculate the capital requirements of banks are 5,500 million from loans that have not even been awarded yet (or had not been granted to 31 December last date to which is referred to the review). The analysis concludes that these credits will be granted and that some of them will cause losses in the future, so you have to cover them.

諮問会社のOLIVER WYMAN(オリバー·ワイマン)は、スペインの開発業者の銀行の融資の不良債権の2270億0000'0000ユーロのうち、損失は最低28'6%の649億0000'0000ユーロで、最高42'8%の971億0000'0000ユーロと推定(かなり甘い推定をしている)



ミゲルヒメネスマドリード30 SEP 2012 - 00:00 CET

コンサルタント会社のオリバー·ワイマンは、特に担保、コーチとしてグラウンドでその見積信用損失を銀行に最終試験で切りつけました。 7月には100%の損失まで推定しなが​​ら、現在、これらはおそらく、より予測可能な唯一の不利なシナリオでは56%と依然としてベースラインシナリオにおける未満37%、であることを誇って​​います。 (滞納者を含む)は、その銀行の信用最もプロモーターを締結する証拠が失われるか、またはベースラインシナリオでも有害ではありません。
オリバー·ワイマンの結論は、資産のわずか9%がローンの値を超えることが、開発者への融資資金を提供することである。これとは対照的に、すべてのレンガ被曝の45%は、プロパティの値の比(値へのローン、LTV)への融資は60%未満です。同社はテストがスペインのLTVが他の国に比べて相対的に低いと結論づけて撮影しています。最新の鑑定評価で平均はアイルランドで100%、米国の80%に対し、62%である。 2014年を視野に入れ、平均的には、シナリオ方85%または99%に上昇します。問題は、一部のLTV比率の122%と高いことができるように、エンティティと他の人との間に強い分散があるということです。

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