Un bumerán que da munición a los especuladores
Las apuestas en corto son una estrategia que permite apostar por la caída de un valor
David Fernández Madrid 16 FEB 2012 - 10:42 CET
A boomerang that gives ammunition to speculators
Bets are short a strategy that allows betting on the fall of a value
David Fernández Madrid 16 FEB 2012 - 10:42 CET
CNMV's decision to lift the ban on short selling on banking has come at a bad day for the sector by doubts about Greece and a solution to the crisis that has just arrived. The measure, in turn, has fed back the doubts about the entities and accelerated sales but what are these odds in short-selling?. Here we will explain
- What are short sales? Short sales involve betting on the fall of the stock market price of a particular asset. The most common process is as follows: an investor borrows shares, bonds or currencies to a third party for a specified period in return for an interest rate. Once the loan period the investor will buy back those securities to return them to their owner in the hope that its value has fallen, pointing goodwill. Investors who are more used this operational hedge funds.
- What is the effect on asset prices? The impact is similar to a boomerang. In a first phase, the accumulation of sinks downward price bets. Later, when investors buy back his titles, is bullish pressure. While critics warn that this operational fires volatility, its advocates argue that contribute to provide liquidity to the market.
moreThe banking stock market collapses by the return of speculatorsThe CNMV lift the veto on bearish bets on banks
- Can make bearish bets without titles? In some countries it is allowed to naked short-sell. In Spain you can bet just bare with public debt or insurance against default (CDS). In the case of equities, you can only sell short shares or have been borrowed.
- How do you avoid being sold in Spain discovered actions? Each transaction is controlled by Iberclear, the agency securities clearing and settlement through a register reference. If giving the sales order Iberclear notes that the investor does not have those titles, cancels the operation and sets a penalty.
- Can you tell how much each company focuses bearish bets? In September 2008, following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the CNMV decided, in parallel with other supervisors exchanges, forcing communicate any short selling in excess of 0.25% of the capital of a listed company. In 2010 the supervisor deepened transparency in this statement. Today must notify the CNMV all short positions that exceed 0.2% of the capital of a company (whether financial or other business). This body shall publish on its website or exceed those filings reached 0.5% of the shares. Furthermore, fortnightly, are disclosed to the market the sum of short positions communicated and published (those at or above 0.2%).
- Can limit short sales? In the U.S., securities regulators may ban bearish bets when the price of a stock falls more than 10% in one session. In Europe, however, can only act against excess volatility pulling out the listing price.
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