スペインでは、2007年には16歳ー29歳の中学校を卒業していない失学者の失業者は400'000人だったのに、2012年には1'000'000人に増加、国立統計院(INE)の労働人口調査(EPA)の統計から応用経済学研究財団の報告FEDEA;Fundacion de Estudios de Ecomonia Aplicada)
Un millón de jóvenes sin estudios está en paro, según un estudio de Fedea
Son personas sin la secundaria obligatoria que dejaron su formación sobre todo para trabajar en el sector inmobiliario
EFE Economía Madrid 24 OCT 2012 - 13:30 CET
A million uneducated youth are unemployed, according to a study Fedea
They are people without compulsory secondary left their training mainly to work in real estate
Economy Madrid EFE 24 OCT 2012 - 13:30 CET
Nearly a million young people who have not completed high school are compulsory in unemployment, largely because of the explosion of the housing bubble, according to the results of an analysis of the Foundation for Applied Economic Studies (FEDEA), presented today. The study, based on data from the EPA (INE), finds that only 400,000 people between 16 and 29 were in this situation in 2007, when he had not yet started the crisis, to touch one million in 2012.
In the seminar "Training dual Swiss and the Spanish experience", the deputy director of FEDEA, José Ignacio Conde-Ruiz, has warned that a "national priority" recycle these youth, who are "the human face" Brick of the crisis. Despite budgetary constraints, you have to "repair the damage" in human capital to avoid a lost generation, he insisted.
He recalled that the construction growth in his day did leave school attractive for thousands of youth. "The longer they are unemployed and uneducated, the worse their professional future," he stressed.
By contrast, Switzerland has the youth unemployment rate lowest in Europe (3.5%) and heads the Global Competitiveness Index, stressed the ambassador to Spain, Urs Ziswiller. It has been attributed to the characteristics of Swiss VET, so two thirds of the students opt for it to finish compulsory education. "In my country, the diplomat emphasized, manual labor has the same status as the intellectual".
The FP system is characterized by a "strong labor market orientation" training costs companies compensate their high quality because workers get very well prepared, and this road also provides access to universities later.
Switzerland invests more than 13,000 million per year in research and development: "There are no miracles, no innovation without research," he said. He noted that the Swiss watch industry until 2016 aims to increase the number of employees by 15% with highly specialized professionals.
On economic relations between the two countries, stressed that Spain exports to Switzerland grew by 5.4% in 2011, which has been identified with "good signs" that the Spanish economy will soon emerge from the crisis. Last year, 4,600 Spanish arrived in Switzerland, with a rising trend, and Swiss companies generate 60,000 jobs in Spain.
Secretary of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities, Montserrat Gomendio, said that the results show that the dual FP (training schools and companies) increased employment opportunities with specific training and initial experience.
He insisted on eliminating the "gap" between the educational content of the training and competence required for the professional market, and highlighted examples of dual vocational training in Germany and Switzerland.
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