La desigualdad se dispara por la pérdida de empleos medios
Las fluctuaciones sociales siguen el ritmo de EE UU
Amanda Mars Madrid 23 OCT 2012 - 19:24 CET
Inequality is triggered by means job losses
The social movements follow the rhythm of the USA
Amanda Mars Madrid 23 OCT 2012 - 19:24 CET
What happened in Spain in recent years is far from what happened in other countries: the boom served to narrow the wage inequality and the crisis triggered virulently because job destruction has hit the half- of the pay scale, while in the back of the expansion inmobliario boom created a huge demand for young workers and low education, who won in wealth and narrowed the gap with more qualified employment. Men have suffered more fluctuations than women because they have far fewer participated in the rise and fall of the feast of the brick.
This is the conclusion of a study by the Bank of Spain on wage dispersion in the period 1988-2010 based on data from the Social Security and published Tuesday in the latest quarterly economic bulletin supervisor. Inequality increased between 1988 and 1996, decreased between 1997 and 2006 and increased to a great cruise.
"If they are lower-wage workers who lose their jobs to a greater extent, the distribution would tend to be more compressed and therefore would lower wage dispersion. However, what has happened in Spain during the current crisis is that job destruction has affected mostly the middle of the distribution, "says the study.
In the boom times decreased the premium for the qualified
Bodies such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has already called attention to the increasing inequalities in major world economies. And other indicators collected by the European Statistical Office (Eurostat) as the Gini coefficient or the 20/80 situated between the Spanish Europeans with greater social inequality.
The Bank of Spain report includes dispersion ratios between extremes in a pay scale of zero to 100, but ignoring the 10 lowest and 10 lower its distorting effect. The ratio of inequality in the 90th percentile and 10 has increased by 8.7% between 2007 and 2010, after falling 4.4% in the period 1997-2006. Between 1988 and 1996 the spread jumped 20 points.
Fluctuations of scattering the Spanish are very significant, according to experts of the Bank of Spain, who consider them "even comparable to those recorded in the United States" where, during the period 1973-1989, the ratio between the 90 and 10 percentiles the distribution of wages increased by 18%, at a rate of 1% per year.
Wage loss award to the most qualified employees, one of the most unique features of the Spanish golden age, is also behind the reduction of inequality in the growth years. Between 1997 and 2006 decreased the wage premium to education and experience (the ratio between the median wages of male workers over 35 years and less than that age), according to the Bank of Spain. And while this was happening, wages in the construction sector more fattening than other sectors in the heat of rage builder. The end of the story is already known: most of those well-paid, which led many young people to leave school, have disappeared.
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