El Gobierno lleva a los tribunales a 15 universidades públicas
Hacienda recurre sus convocatorias de plazas para nuevos profesores
Manuel Planelles / Neus Caballer Sevilla / Valencia 22 OCT 2012 - 03:03 CET
The Government takes the court at 15 public universities
Treasury uses their places calls for new teachers
Manuel Planelles / Neus Caballer Sevilla / Valencia 22 OCT 2012 - 03:03 CET
The pulse that keeps the central government with public universities intensity rises and reaches the courts. Cristobal Montoro department, responsible for ensuring budgetary austerity, has ordered the State Bar to resort calls for access to places of faculty from 15 universities. The Ministry of Finance and Public Administration understands that exceeded the current replacement rate, which requires that only cover 10 out of 100 casualties generated in teaching.
The legal route resources department Montoro is unknown. In the case of the 15 universities would be affected the way of administrative litigation and will have to be a court should decide in each case whether applied to the suspension of the calls.
"When the appeal is resolved, if it were against the universities, Professor technically lose its status but retain his position as Associate Professor. Not stay unemployed, would the body to which he belonged before admission to the competition, "said the rector of University of Valencia, Esteban Morcillo, on the impact of this conflict.
The most recent precedent is that of high school competitions in Andalusia, which paralyzed the Hacienda appeal in April. The ministry also understood that the Andalusian offer exceeded the low replacement rate fixed. And the Board argued that its bid had been approved prior to the decrees that reduced fill vacancies. The path chosen by the Treasury in the case of Andalusia was the Constitutional Court, where he presented a "positive conflict of jurisdiction", a figure reserved for disputes between the state and communities. The Constitutional decided on September 13 oppositions Andalusian provisionally suspend pending a decision on the merits of the dispute.
Montoro think you are exceeding that allowed low cover
The relationship between the heads of the University and Executive Mariano Rajoy began with very bad start. The bodies came to plant the Minister of Education, José Ignacio Wert, in May Universities Council. They showed their disagreement with the decision not to include Wert in the agenda of that meeting, the debate on the decree law cuts approved in April. The cloisters of many of the institutions, which are represented all sectors of higher education, have been approved since then statements rejecting government settings, such as higher fees or restrictions on scholarships.
Students also protested against the Executive. At the University of Seville, for example, students paralyzed the entire teaching for the last 15 days of last year. "It is a legitimate activity," said then the rector of this institution, Antonio Ramirez de Arellano, on the student protest. The Rector of the Complutense, Santiago Carrillo, also has been supportive of the protests against the settings.
And, indeed, are trying to impose cuts the central government which have caused a new encounter, in this case, with the department of Montoro. The conflict dates back to July, when, through a burofax, the Finance Ministry urged to several universities to withdraw job offers that had already been published in the Government Gazette. "If within one month of receipt of that request response is not achieved, means rejected, at this governing body will ask the State Bar for bringing an appeal to the administrative court," noted in the letter sent to the affected schools. That deadline has come and try to stop these contests Hacienda in court.
"It is government interference in university autonomy," says the Vice Chancellor of Educational Planning and Faculty of the University Pablo de Olavide of Seville, José Antonio Sánchez Medina. They also came a burofax summer in which they were asked to leave on hold 19 seats published in the BOE, which had been approved by the Governing Council of the university in February.
The campus responsible Seville, like most of those affected, decided to go ahead with the understanding that their calls were legal because they were approved, not published in the BOE-before the decree of April cuts.
"It's an intrusion on university autonomy," say the affected
However, the fact is that there is no unified position on this issue. The letters sent by the Treasury were analyzed at the extraordinary general meeting of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) on 6 September. "There has been great disparity between universities performances, making it difficult to build consensus on common action with regard to 2012," noted in the minutes of that meeting. Each rector decided to take his way. And most chose to go ahead with the calls. So I have decided the University of Seville (13 seats contested), the Granada (59) or the Jaume I (18).
Also the University of Valencia, with 45 seats of professor and associate professor in the air. "The Governing Council voted against suspending the oppositions. For one thing, because the Treasury burofax not expressly requested. Simply called BOE removed from publications of calls for places, "says its director, Esteban Morcillo. "The competitions are being held normally in all universities and appointments are being sent to the BOE. If there is a resource of Finance and the judge agreed to the temporary suspension could paralyze opposition nominations earned by "adds Morcillo.
Confrontation with the rectors
April 13. The relationship between the presidents of the 79 Spanish universities and the government did not start well. The chief executive of the PP party, José Ignacio Wert (Minister of Education), said on April 13 that he wanted to reform the system. And to justify it, deployed a sales pitch that contained several inaccuracies. Wert hinted that there were too many universities in Spain. And our country compared to California, where he said there were 10 universities, when in fact there are 146. "What universities need now is stability and funding rules according to the capabilities and needs of the country," he said then, through a statement, the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE).
April 20. Government approves decree strong adjustments are contemplated, also in higher education. Increase fees paid by university hardens access to scholarships and amending a full-time teacher. A representation of the CRUE meets with Minister on April 25. After the meeting, the governing broadcast another statement in which he lamented "that has not been told to universities before the adoption of these measures."
May 4. The CRUE again complains that all ministry adjustment measures "have been known through the media and its publication in the Official Gazette." Wert claim to an urgent meeting of the University Council and the inclusion in the agenda for the study of the decree of April 20.
May 23. The rectors decide in plantar Wert University Council. They do it for the refusal of the Minister to deal with them that decree, which is, in his opinion, "a lack of respect and due attention to the education community." Minister shows his "infinite surprise" and said the plant was not "justified".
July. The Ministry of Finance sends a burofax several universities in which they are asked to withdraw their request for access to faculty spaces. Treasury understands that budget constraints are overcome. 15 universities are moving forward with their processes and the ministry decided in October recourse in the courts.
マヌエルPlanelles/ NEUS Caballerセビリア/バレンシア22 OCT 2012 - 3時03分CET
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