スペインのTOLEDO県のOCANYA街とALBACETE県のLA RODA 間の高速道路を運行する会社は、破産申告を申請
Las empresas de la autopista Ocaña-La Roda entran en concurso de acreedores
Las sociedades gestoras alegan reducción del tráfico y la incidencia de la crisis económica
El País Madrid 19 OCT 2012 - 17:54 CET
Highway companies Ocaña-La Roda enter bankruptcy
Management companies allege traffic reduction and the impact of the economic crisis
The Country Madrid 19 OCT 2012 - 17:54 CET
The companies say in writing that they have been forced to take this decision due to "external factors", including substantial reductions listed expected traffic, the economic crisis and the increase in capacity in some alternative ways. The company also explained that "measures to support the legally established concession have not been effectively implemented by the contracting authority." In response, the company says it can not meet payment commitments with various financial lending institutions.
According to information sent to the CNMV, investment on this project was fully provisioned in the Group's consolidated financial statements for 2011, which does not provide "any significant impact" in the accounts of 2012.
カントリーマドリード19 OCT 2012 - 午後05時54分CET
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