スペインの財務省の税務検査官連合:IHE;(Organizacion Profesional de Inspectores de Hacienda del Estado)によると2008年ー2009年にかけて法人税の歳入が460億0000'0000ユーロ減少したのは、主に企業の脱税の性だと断言、スペインの経済の20%は"闇"経済(脱税経済)などでもっと税務調査に予算を掛けるように要求、スペインは税務検査に14億0000'0000ユーロを掛け、イタリアは31億1400万0000ユーロ、フランスは44億6300万0000ユーロ、ドイツは69億7300万0000ユーロ掛けている
España destina un 80% menos que Alemania a perseguir el fraude fiscal
Los inspectores de Hacienda reclaman más medios para luchar contra la evasión tributaria
El Gobierno ultima la puesta en marcha de la Ley de Lucha contra el fraude
Jesús Sérvulo González Madrid 25 OCT 2012 - 17:40 CET
Spain goes to 80% less than Germany to pursue tax fraud
The IRS demanding more resources to combat tax evasion
The Government is finalizing the implementation of the Law on Fight against fraud
Jesus Gonzalez Madrid Sérvulo 25 OCT 2012 - 17:40 CET
There is a problem of tax evasion in Spain," said Francisco de la Torre, secretary of the Professional Organization of State Tax Inspectorate (IHE) organized between Thursday and Friday morning its annual conference in Santander. Inspectors consider that "a key part in the fall in tax revenue corresponds to the increase of tax fraud." The drop in revenues has prompted the government deficit and worsened the economic situation. "The fight against tax fraud is essential but by itself will not solve all problems," said the spokesman of IHE.
The Inspectors believe that behind the collapse of the collection - the corporate tax revenues fell by more than 46,000 million between 2008 and 2009 - an increase of hides tax fraud. "The anti-fraud laws are effective to the extent that sanctions are effective," says De la Torre adds: "One of our claims is the lack of means to reduce this social scourge that is fraud." Inspectors argue that evasion has grown in recent years, several studies put the economy at 20% of GDP, so call for more resources to lichar evasion.
However, Spain spent 68% less on the management of tax administration that France or 80% less than Germany, according to OECD data collected by tax inspectors in a report, the fiscal crisis in Spain. Spanish spending amounted to tax administration in 2009 (latest data collected in the series of the OECD) to 1,400 million euros, while Germany and France spent 6.973 million 4.463 million was spent. Even Spanish Italy doubled spending on combating tax evasion and spent $ 3.114 million in 2009 to these tasks.
Another indicator to compare the efforts of neighboring countries in pursuing fraud is the number of employees of the tax administration: While Spain has 27,755 employees in the Tax Agency's 123,130 employees in France, in Germany, 112,291 workers or 33,854 in Italy.
"Germany spends five times more in tax administration that was laid Spain. We spent the next half that less is spent on tax administration on GDP ", laments the Tower. "This lack of resources prevents us from going against fraud more systematized and computerized, against more complex operations," he adds while admitting that the fight against tax evasion is not the solution to all economic problems of the state but is an important step to be give. And remember that social awareness has worsened in recent months. The last fiscal barometer Institute for Fiscal Studies says that 43% of Spanish openly justify tax evasion.
Inspectors also did not rule out further tax increases and believe that it would require a comprehensive reform of the tax system. Remember that there are direct taxes with very high rates in accumulating many deductions and consdieran that this system is not consistent.
They believe that "the collection that took place in Spain between 2007 and 2009 will not see." De la Torre said: "We will have some years that the collection will be complicated." His argument is that the new model in which exports grow leaves less revenue for the state coffers.
While inspectors are demanding more resources to the Government, the Executive last Rajoy commissioning the law to combat tax fraud and Social Security which will take effect in the coming days. This standard includes a number of claims of inspectors, as restricted cash (2,500 euros) for transactions between individuals, the abolition of the system of modules for some sectors like transport and others associated with the construction. But even claim "to circle the procedural deadlines inspector". Remember that the recent police operation against a network of whitening money in the estate of Fuenlabrada Cobo Calleja has lasted more than three years, while the tax audit process limited to one year alleged research to discover hidden plots.
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