Los trabajadores despedidos por ERE aumentan en agosto hasta el 27% del total
Los llamados expedientes de extinción afectan a 7.504 personas
El total de afectados por expedientes asciende a 299.021 trabajadores desde enero
La cifra es un 53% más alta que en el mismo periodo de 2011
El País Madrid 25 OCT 2012 - 11:06 CET
Workers fired for ERE increase in August to 27% of total
The records called extinction affecting 7504 people
Total records affected workers totaled 299,021 from January
The figure is 53% higher than the same period of 2011
The Country Madrid 25 OCT 2012 - 11:06 CET
The job layoffs grow incessantly since the adoption of labor reform and with them the number of workers afectados.Hasta August, last month with available data, employees who have suffered an ERE has risen to almost 300,000, a 53% more than the previous year. The combination of labor reform and the return of the recession continue to permeate the very deteriorated since the Spanish labor market.
The Government continues to value positively the regulatory change of policy change in February. According to yesterday defended Employment Minister Fatima Banez, reform has been very beneficial to the extent that has allowed companies to become more "healthy". The minister is based on the relative weight of collective redundancies in total records. The 50,841 affected workers represent 17% of the total. However, in August this percentage rose to 27.6%, the highest figure since May last year. In total, 7504. In addition, the number of redundancies has not stopped growing in recent months and now exceeds those made comfortably in the same period last year.
Another thing to keep in mind when analyzing the ERE is that both the suspension of employment-the most used so far, such as reduced working hours have public support since March 2009 (workers replenishes them rights to protection against unemployment and entrepreneurs have bonuses). These grants will disappear for new beginning in January, according contemplated budgets next year, so it is expected that the relative weight of collective redundancies will grow in 2013.
It was also felt in the disappearance of records adminitrativa authorization enacted in reform, especially among redundancies. He has increased his weight. In the first eight months of 2011, the ERE this without covenant affected affected 12% of the employees who lost their jobs in a layoff. This percentage has increased to 23% in 2012.
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