スペインの携帯電話会社のORANGEの親会社のFRANCE TELECOMは、スペインの借用電話回線の76%資本のスウェーデン·フィンランド資本のTelia Soneaの携帯電話会社のYOIGOの買収に興味を示す
Orange confirma que presentará una oferta de compra sobre Yoigo
France Telecom anuncia una oferta "indicativa" sobre el cuarto operador español
Agencias Paris 25 OCT 2012 - 14:04 CET
Orange confirms that submitted a bid on Telstra
France Telecom announced an offer "indicative" of the fourth largest Spanish
Agencies Paris 25 OCT 2012 - 14:04 CET
The France Telecom CFO Gervais Pellissier, has manifetado interest in Telstra, which is currently involved in 76% of the multinational Swedish-Finnish TeliaSonera, and said that his company, which owns Orange, concur to buying process and "probably" make an offer "indicative".
Pellissier pointed to analysts at a conference following the presentation of results that France Telecom is open to "small acquisitions" and, given the relative size compared to Telstra of its Spanish subsidiary, the fourth network operator itself in Spain would be an option.
According to the latest data provided by TeliaSonera, Telstra reached 3.514 million customers in the third quarter, 18.5% more than the same period last year. Telstra revenues in this period stood at 273 million euros, with a gross operating profit (Ebitda) positive € 16.8 million.
Furthermore, according to the latest data published by the Telecommunications Market Commission (CMT), Telstra has a market share of 6.01%, behind Movistar, with a 37.27%, Vodafone, with a 27.62 %, of Orange, with a 21.07%, and Vituales Mobile Operators (MVNO), with a combined share of over 8%.
However, the CFO of France Telecom has warned that due to the pressure on cash flow, the group will have to be "prudent" in its procurement plan to ensure it keeps debt levels and to protect your rating credit.
For this reason, the management has clarified that no major acquisitions expected, although the company remains open to small purchases that can help strengthen its market position in some countries or regional groups in Africa and the Middle East.
Vodafone, another possible candidate
The CEO of Orange Spain, Jean Marc Vignolles, and said in September that in the event of the occurrence of a consolidation in the telecommunications market with the eventual sale of the subsidiary TeliaSnera, the group would study the options.
Another possible interested in mobile operator Vodafone would. The CEO of the operator based in United Kingdom, Vittorio Colao, said recently in a meeting with journalists, if they were for sale Yoigo, the group would examine the possibility of acquiring the fourth mobile operator in Spain with its own network.
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